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Thread: Legends of Troy

  1. #1
    Traine Dev

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    Legends of Troy

    hi guys here is my save i got 2932 Kleo in hex 00000B74.

    this game can be modded but i dont know how to pass the checksum.

    hope anyone can do this

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  2. #2

    feudalnate is offline
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    Check is a CRC32 ran over 0 - (EOF - 4), written @ EOF - 4 (last four bytes) . Check is the same on all files (Profile, Settings, Scenario). Too bad this game isn't going to be released in NA, it looked semi-interesting..

        Sub FixTroyCRC(ByVal File As String)
            Dim IO As New System.IO.FileStream(File, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite)
            Dim Buffer((IO.Length - 4) - 1) As Byte
            IO.Read(Buffer, 0, (IO.Length - 4))
            IO.Write(SmallCRC32.Compute(Buffer), (IO.Length - 4), 4)
            IO.Flush() : IO.Close()
        End Sub
        Function ValidateTroyCRC(ByVal File As String) As Boolean
            Dim IO As New System.IO.FileStream(File, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read)
            Dim Buffer((IO.Length - 4) - 1) As Byte
            IO.Read(Buffer, 0, (IO.Length - 4))
            Dim Calc() As Byte = SmallCRC32.Compute(Buffer)
            Dim Crnt(4 - 1) As Byte
            IO.Read(Crnt, 0, 4)
            Return CBool(BitConverter.ToString(Calc, 0) = BitConverter.ToString(Crnt, 0))
        End Function

    Public Class SmallCRC32
        Private Shared Table As UInt32()
        Shared Function Compute(ByVal Buffer As Byte()) As Byte()
            Call GenerateTable()
            Dim Result As UInt32 = &HFFFFFFFFUI
            For i As UInt32 = 0 To Buffer.Length - 1
                Dim Index As Byte = CByte(((Result) And &HFF) Xor Buffer(i))
                Result = CUInt((Result >> 8) Xor Table(Index))
            Return ToBytes(Not Result)
        End Function
        Private Shared Sub GenerateTable()
            Dim Polynomial As UInt32 = &HEDB88320UI
            Dim VAR As UInt32 = 0
            Table = New UInt32(255) {}
            For i As Int32 = 0 To Table.Length - 1
                VAR = i
                For u As Int32 = 8 To 1 Step -1
                    If (VAR And 1) = 1 Then VAR = CUInt((VAR >> 1) Xor Polynomial) : GoTo 0
                    VAR >>= 1
    0:          Next
                Table(i) = VAR
        End Sub
        Private Shared Function ToBytes(ByVal Result As UInt32) As Byte()
            Dim Buffer() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(Result)
            Return Buffer
        End Function
    End Class
    Downloads : 63 || Uploads : 11 || Rep Power : 5876 || Posts : 347 || Thanks : 62 || Thanked 941 Times in 190 Posts

    "If you can get 30 seconds of fun, you can pretty much stretch that out to be an entire game. So you can have all the great graphics, all the different characters,
    and lots of different weapons with amazing effects but if you don't nail that 30 seconds, you're not going to have a great game." ~Jamie Griesemer (Halo 2 Design Lead)

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