Holy balls taco, Batman! We have Tifa as a member here?! That's AWESOME! However, I do have a few small concerns about this...
1) This is in direct violation of rule 68 of the internet: there are no girls on the internet, no exceptions. (I don't care what anybody else says, that's rule 68!)
2) Her only posts are just spewing ads. Isn't this a violation of the website guidelines?
3) I know the head admin is into Final Fantasy 7, but doesn't Tifa belong to Square? And doesn't Square produce almost all of its product to SONY? And aren't we all kinda... against SONY?
Other than all this however, I'm enjoying the family resorts Tifa keeps asking me to go on, as well as the restaurants she keeps asking me to go to. Tifa certainly is knowledgeable about what is hip and trendy. ^-^