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How to Run Emulators On Your Jtagged Xbox
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  1. #1
    Xbox God

    Genesis is offline
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    How to Run Emulators On Your Jtagged Xbox

    An emulator is a program that allows you to imitate the functions on one system and run them on another.


    Usb 1GB+
    Jtagged Xbox
    External Hard Drive
    Roms (The games)
    GBA, Snes, Mame, SMS, and Genisis emulators in the links below.

    (Both thanks to "The Steve")
     PSX - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PM8S85D0
     DsOn360 - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LHYG2HJU]
    How to Transfer Emulators to Jtag

    Step 1
    Start off by extracting the first .rar. There should be 3 folders. _Emus, emulators and Emus. Go into the emulators folder

    and delete Fsd2config.xml.

    Step 2
    Plug your external hard drive into your computer and copy and paste the 3 folders (Link 1), PSX folders and the DsOn360 0.2 folders onto the root of it.

    Step 3
    Now that youve got those files set up and configured, you need to add the actual emulator part of the set up.

    That's the second dl link.

    GenesisPlus360 (Comes in a file called FFED0707)
    SNES360 (Comes in a file called FFED7300)
    MAME360 for retail dash (Stand Up Arcade)

    The SNES and Genesis folders need to go in the 360 stock hdd. The hdd can be accessed in the custom Dashboards

    (XEXmenu or FreestyleDash). The files go to (Hdd1:/content/0000000000000000/"they go here).

    The MAME360 folder will also go in the xbox hdd but in the (content/0000000000000000/CODE0006/00080000/here).

    Now they will show up in the NXE Dashboard and you can boot straight from there.

    Step 4
    Plug the external hard drive back into your jtag. Boot it up and go to Xex Menu.

    Step 5
    Go to the emulators folder, and look for the xex of the emulator you want. Then pick the rom you want and play.

    Thanks to Frog 7s for giving me the idea of writing this and supplying me with his emulators dl link. He was an enormous help. Also thanks to The Steve for the Playstation as well as the Nintendo Ds emulator links.

    I didn't make this tut,Credit goes to Data Overload of S7

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  3. #2
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    Are these xbox 1 emus?
    I know with the dash launch installed u can use memory editing and xbox 1 emus.

  4. #3
    Xbox God

    Genesis is offline
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    These are old emus for old systems,And for ps1 and ds.Ill make a more detailed tut later.

  5. #4
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    No no what I meant was are they the xbox 1 emus of the old systems lol. I downloaded it and seen its not. I don't like the newly made emus for the xbox 360. There is alot of missing features and stuff. Like I said use dash launch 2.07 and use the old xbox 1 emus for now until someone make the emus better. I havn't tried the new psone emu made for the 360 nor the DS. So I can't tell u how good/bad they are vs the xbox 1 emus.

    Dash launch 2.07 read me.
    with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
    xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
    to function together
    BTW I found http://www.emuxtras.net/forum/index.php

    They have a great RessurectionXtras 1.0 sets.
    What is RexxurectionXtras?
    RessurectionXtras is a project which goal is to preserve history of gaming. It was started by RessurectionX over at Scenyx forum a long time ago and gladly it seemed to be a project alot of people were interrested in.

    The 80s/90s brought us into the home gaming
    era with consoles like Atari, Colecovision, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System and many more. Over the years there have been quite a number of home consoles and tons of games released. These games are very hard to get a hold of today, but as we move further away from this era we also move further into the emulation-era which allows us to enjoy these games on new systems.

    This project doesn't aim to just give access the games (roms as they are called), but more a collection containing the following:

    1. Artwork (Boxart, Screens, VGMaps, Commercials, Gameplay video)
    2. Synopsis (Description, Developer ++)
    3. Music (MIDI), Commercials
    4. Configs / Rumbles (XBOX)
    5. Game maps, GameFAQs, scans of Manuals
    6. Roms, Saves
    Last edited by Magnus Hydra; 12-15-2010 at 08:06 AM.

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  7. #5
    Xbox God

    Genesis is offline
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    Oh opps LOL i was wondering what that stood for.
    Last edited by Genesis; 12-15-2010 at 07:02 PM.

  8. #6
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genesis View Post
    Ya know what I never knew the old xbox1 emus work on the 360:P

    Until I started doing some research anyway the ps1 emu on 360 sucks then,Becuz i put FF8,FF7 and other games and I run into sound problems and freezing very buggy.

    So im gonna try xbox1 emus and see what's up I have dash launch installed not the newest of the bunch but it should work the same:)

    Lol I dont really know how to go about putting xbox1 emus on jtag but ill research and see what happens lol.
    Just out the on the root of the HDD in a file called emulators or Xbox1.

    If u put it in emulators and make freestyle dash read the files it will show them just like any thing else. The icon might look messed up be it will still work. Now some emu will start to boot and restart. You might have to edit the emulators setting file or use an older version of that emu.

    So far I have gotten the xbox1 emus called mednafenx nes v15 and snes9xbox v2 working great. I am using the Xtras Nes and SNES packs with the emulators. Just make sure to go into settings and change the start up music to off. It sounds laggy.

  9. #7
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genesis View Post
    Ya know what I never knew the old xbox1 emus work on the 360:P

    Until I started doing some research anyway the ps1 emu on 360 sucks then,Becuz i put FF8,FF7 and other games and I run into sound problems and freezing very buggy.

    So im gonna try xbox1 emus and see what's up I have dash launch installed not the newest of the bunch but it should work the same:)

    Lol I dont really know how to go about putting xbox1 emus on jtag but ill research and see what happens lol.
    Just out the on the root of the HDD in a file called emulators or Xbox1.

    If u put it in emulators and make freestyle dash read the files it will show them just like any thing else. The icon might look messed up be it will still work. Now some emu will start to boot and restart. You might have to edit the emulators setting file or use an older version of that emu.

    So far I have gotten the xbox1 emus called mednafenx nes v15 and snes9xbox v2 working great. I am using the Xtras Nes and SNES packs with the emulators. Just make sure to go into settings and change the start up music to off. It sounds laggy.

  10. #8
    Gfx Artist

    Abd-L-Azeez is offline
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    thanks man .. i did not know i can play psx on a jtag ! ..


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