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[Release] WWE13 SavegameEditor By HackerT|Injectors,Entrance,Universe,Title,Moveset, CAF Editor

View Poll Results: What do you want next in the Savegame Editor?

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  1. #1


    Hacker-T is offline
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    WWE13 SavegameEditor By HackerT|Injectors,Entrance,Universe,Title,Moveset, CAF Editor

    Hey Guys!

    Yea thats my Savegame Editor Ive announced...
    I'll keep updating the tool with more Feature,better Improvements and stabilized fixes.

    Don't forgett to checkout the last Page for more Information about the Next Update cuz
    I'm anouncing all the infos about the next comming updates there!

    Thats it for now. Don't forgett to check out this Thread in the next weeks for the new Updates!
    And i also want to thank my bro PUR3RAF3X for helping me fixing the checksums!

    -Pur3Raf3x(Checksum fix)
    -Sephiroth(Login Form)

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    V1.0 Features:

    -Entrance Names
    -HUD Names
    -7x Abbilities

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


    -Unlock NPC'S
    -Lock NPC'S

    -Unlock Everything
    -Lock Everything

    -Weight mod
    -Brand mod

    -NPC'S mod
    -50x CAW'S Slot mod

    -Some Errors&Bugs fixed
    -Splashscreen Off

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    UPDATE: WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.2


    -Custom Championship Editor : Change the names (You got more space to rename it)
    -Hit Point Ratio for all Superstar's,Diva's,DLC's,NPC's and CAW'S : You can change it to max (255)
    -Unlock/Lock and Edit more NPC's : Paul Bearer+ Move Set Man
    -Added a new Superstar : Mike Tyson
    -Change the Size : From 160 CM to 220 CM
    -Abilities : Added 1 more Ability (Now u can give the whole roster 8 abilities)
    -Custom Match Rules Editor: Play with your own rules!


    -Backup: Backup your savegame!
    -Quick Exit: Close the Tool faster without any Eeffects
    -Size Max+Min Button


    -Reduced the Size of the Tool
    -Improvements on the Design
    -Stabilized the Save Function.
    -Fixed CAW'S 01,03,04,10,16,19,20 + CM Punk's Save Function
    (Brands,Attributes,Weights,Entrance&Hud Name and Gender Errors)

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    UPDATE: WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.3

    -Create A Finisher : Change the speed of the single Moves (0-255)
    Change the Moves.
    Add more Moves (15 instead of 10)

    -New DLC Superstars: Edit the newest DLC's (6X)
    -Custom Match Rules Editor: play with your own rules!(4 new Match Types)
    -Added Weapons Slot(Not changeable yet!)


    -Update Function: Install & Check for new Updates

    NEW FIXES V1.3:

    -Minor Bugs fixed
    -Sizecalculator fixed for the sizes.
    -Bugs fixed in the "Open A File"-Function
    -Some Errors in the Unlock/Lock Editor fixed


    -Weight Class's improved
    -Open Function stabilized
    -Reduced the Size of the tool
    -Fixed 3 save Errors.
    -Tool size = 170 MB lesser (Only about 10MB)

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    UPDATE: WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.3
    NEW FEATURES V1.3.1:

    NEW FIXES V1.3.1:
    -Fixed the screen Resolution
    -Fixed some Design Errors

    -Improved the Update Function

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.4


    -THQ's Attributes Overall Calculation for each Superstars/Divas/NPCS and DLCS - 100% same calculation
    -THQ's Hit Point Ratio Overall Calculation for each Superstars,Divas,NPC's and DLC's
    100% same calculation they used for Attributes
    -Added 8th Abillitie for all the 50 CAW's Slots.
    -Original Championship Editor: Change the whole Championship like:
    Gender,Tag/Single,Weights,Status,Hud name & Formal Name
    -Unlock/Lock 3x new NPC's (!!!NOT PLAYABLE INGAME!!!)
    -3x New Matchtypes in the Matchcreator Editor: Elimination Chamber Tornade, Elimination Tag & 6 Man Normal Tag
    -Stable Editor: Edit the Stable Name, Hud Name & Members
    -Create A Finisher Mode: Added 84x New Moves (Finishers,Pins & Taunts)
    -Create A Finisher Mode: Rename your created Finishers


    -Embedded DLL's - Never aggain any external DLL files beside the Savegame Editor =)
    - Added Leecher Protection: 360Haven safe Login Form (Credits: 100% Sephiroth)
    - Added my own design in the Login Form (Maded by me)
    - Added Password + Username save Function in the Login Form (Made by me)

    NEW FIXES V1.4:

    - Fixed Major Bugs
    - 32Bit Screen Resolution - 2nd fix
    - Fixed the Size Calculation (100% crashfree now)
    - Fixed the reading system for the size calculation (100% crashfree now)
    - Match Creator Editor - Fixed Ringout Counts (100% working now)
    - 90% Tool Crash possibility fixed =Crash Probability:Only 10 of 100% Crashable
    - Create A Finisher Mode: Fixed all the Moves from V1.3
    - Fixed major save errors in the Create A Finisher Mode


    - Stabilized 90 of 100% tool crashes
    - Save Function stablized
    - Improved the 32Bit Support
    - Improved the Unlock/Lock Editor
    - Improved the Create A Finisher Editor
    - Minor improvements on the whole Savegame Editor Design

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.5

    -Create A Finisher Editor:
    ->Added 4x new Positions/Grapples!
    ->Added 106x new Grapple Strikes/Taunts/Finishers!! -
    -> Added 30x more Created Finishers Slots!
    -> Supports now non existing created Finishers!
    -> Downloadable-Content label changer!
    -> Community Creations Re-Uploadable!

    - Added the new DLC Pack!

    - Universe Editor: Show Editor & Roster Editor!

    - Create An Entrance Editor!

    - Matchcreator Editor: Added 4x new Match Rules: Backstage: 1 on 1,
    2 on 2, Triple Threat & Fatal 4 Way!


    - Added Donation Button
    - Added StartUp Screen!
    - Scrollbars function: activate or deactivate scrollbars at any windows!
    - Added Text charachters counter: counts the remaining charachters!
    - ChangeLog

    NEW FIXES V1.5:

    - Fixed the Powerpack Issue: Use my Tool now without the
    Powerpack File installed before on your computer!
    - Stabilized the Screen Resolution for Laptops!
    - Added New Corrupted SaveFile Fixer!
    - Fixed major Save Bugs!
    - Fixed the Size Calculation (20% more crashfree now!)!
    - Fixed Major Crash Issues!
    - Fixed the Update Function (Didn't worked correct in V1.4)!


    - Improved the Create A Finisher Editors Design + Size!
    - Improved the Stable Editors Design!
    - Stabilized the Savegame Editors Crash possibilitys!
    - Minor Design improvements!

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.5.1

    NEW FEATURES V1.5.1:
    - Entrance Editor: Added "Chris Jericho 2" Pyro
    - 20x More CAW's Hit Point Ratio (Now 40x CAWS Slot with HPR.)

    - Settings Menu: DE-/Activate Options

    NEW FIXES V1.5.1:
    - Major CAW crash Isues fixed!
    - Wrong Info texts corrected!

    - NONE

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.5.2

    NEW FEATURES V1.5.2:
    - Universe Editor: Max. 4x multiple rosters
    - Entrance Editor: Added Legend01-Legend13+Superstar01-Superstar64+ Diva01-Diva16 in the advanced motions

    - Security Protection: Protection aggainst leechers

    NEW FIXES V1.5.2:
    - Fixed Crash Bugs in the Main Window: Sometimes it crashed if you changed between the editors.
    - StartUp Settings: Fixed freeze issues
    - Create An Entrance Editor: Fixed minor Bug
    - Universe Editor: Fixed minor Bugs

    - Reduced 15% of the main editors window size

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.6


    - Universe Editor: -Show Editor: Mod PPVS
    -> -Show Editor: Add all Rosters
    -> -Show Editor: Remove all Rosters
    -> -Show Editor: Change Shows/PPVS Days
    -> -Show Editor: Change Weekly Shows to PPVS
    -> -Show Editor: Change PPV Shows back to Weeklys
    -> -Show Editor: Show Theme (Change the Theme of the Shows/PPVs)
    -> -Misc Editor: Royal Rumble Winner: Change the Winner & News Winner
    -> -Misc Editor: Money In The Bank: Change The Winner & News Winner
    -> -Title Editor: Change the places of the Titles
    - Moveset Editor: Mod Taunts, Chain Grapples, Groggy Grapples & Special Moves (Includes 162 CAF/Default Moves)
    - Balancing Editor: Change the Match Options/Visual Presentations Balancings from 0 to 255 / 0 to 100
    - Match Creator Editor: Added 1x new Match Type = 6 Man Battle Royal
    - Create A Finisher Editor: Added an extra Form with a List of Move Abbreviations
    - CAF Editor: Added 70x CAF Moves from the Back Position


    - Save Function: Rehash & Resigner: Never aggain use Modio/Horizon/etc. to Rehash & Resign
    - Start Up Settings: Added a new option in Settings: "Auto Move Abbreviations Window"
    - VB Powerpack embeded: No extra installations required for new users
    - Added Serval Warning & Rememberance Messages

    NEW FIXES V1.6:

    - Universe Editor: Fixed wrong savings
    - Universe Editor: Fixed Double-Messages
    - Universe Editor: Fixed Multiple Rosters
    - Universe Editor: Fixed RosterEditor's Roster 5 & Roster 6 wrong Logo Read Function
    - Universe Editor: Fixed serval Bugs
    - Updater+Login: Fixed the Internet Connections Check Function.(Works now 100%)
    - Create A Finisher Editor: Fixed CAF 21,24,25,26,27,28 & 29's Download Label + Reupload


    - Re-build & Re-duzed the size of the Match Creator Editors,Savegame Editors, Universe Editors, CAF Editors & Entrance Editors Design
    - Major improvements on the Updater function with new features

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.7


    - Superstars Editor->Brands: Added Exhibition Brands
    - Superstars Editor->Attributes: Added "Default Button" - Restores the default attribute values for the superstars,divas,dlcs & npcs.
    - Superstars Editor->Attributes Overall: Attributes Overall support for NPC's
    - Superstars Editor->Hit Point Ratio: Added "Default Button" - Restores the default Hit Point Ratio values for the superstars,divas,dlcs & npcs.
    - Superstars Editor->Hit Point Ratio: Total & Overall support for NPC's
    - Superstars Editor->Hit Point Ratio: Added PTS Calculator
    - Universe Editor: Added Drafts
    - Universe Editor-> Title Editor: Added Champion Editor
    - Universe Editor-> Misc Editor: 50x CAWS Support
    - Universe Editor-> Misc Editor: DLC Pack 3 Support
    - Stables Editor: DLC Pack 3 Support
    - Stables Editor: Added 10x more Stables Slots
    - Stables Editor: 50x CAWS Support
    - CAFs Editor: Create new CAF Moves in the Tool!
    - CAFs Editor: Added 76x New Moves
    - Balancings Editor: Added 8x Hidden InGame Balancings
    - Entrance Editor: Added Stables Entrances(Includes Tag/Trio Entrance Editor & Entrance Settings Editor)
    - NEW EDITOR: Superstars Injector
    - NEW EDITOR: Entrances & Movesets Injector
    - Settings Options: Added 2x new reset buttons

    - Screen resolution checker: A warning message will appear if the height of your screen resolution is too low

    NEW FIXES V1.7:
    - Stable Editor: Fixed Tony Chimmel wrong saving
    - Superstars Editor->DLCS: Fixed Gangrels Picture(Older versions showed Val Venis's picture)
    - Superstars Editor->Universe Brand: Fixed Antonio Cesaro wrong reading + Saving
    - Superstars Editor->Universe Brand: Fixed Eddie Guerrero wrong saving
    - Superstars Editor->Hit Point Ratio: Fixed Hit Point Ratio Total Value (now 100% the same calculation that THQ used ingame)
    - Superstars Editor->Hit Point Ratio: Fixed a crash which happend if you tried to save a value between 0-15
    - Superstars Editor->Hit Point Ratio: Fixed minor wrong reading + saving issues
    - Superstars Editor->Attributes: Fixed a crash which happend if you tried to save a value between 0-15
    - Superstars Editor: Attributes:Fixed Overall (Wasn't visible in the previouse versions)
    - Superstars Editor: Attributes:Fixed AJ Lee's Not working Attribute reading
    - Superstars Editor->Attributes: Fixed minor wrong Reading + Saving issues
    - Superstars Editor->Attributes Overall:Fixed Antonio Cesaro's wrong Overall calculation
    - Superstars Editor->Attributes Overall:Fixed Gangrel's wrong overall calculation
    - Superstars Editor->Attributes Overall:Fixed Undertaker's wrong overall calculation
    - Superstars Editor: Fixed major bugs at the startup
    - Superstars Editor: Corrected wrong editors names
    - AutoUpdater: Fixed a minor bug
    - Moveset Editor: Fixed a minor bug
    - Moveset Editor: Front Facelock 5 ->Fixed wrong saving(in V1.6 it saved the move to Front Facelock 4)
    - Balancing Editor: Corrected wrong info texts
    - CAF Editor: Fixed Auto Move Abbreviation window start up
    - CAF Editor: Fixed "FORWARD LIFT-UP DROP(B,g)" - didn't saved
    - CAF Editor: Corrected the Move Abbrevation: "g" (Grapple) to "h" (Holds)
    - CAF Editor: Corrected the Move Abbrevation: "s" (Strike) to "a" (Attack)
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Undertaker 3 " wrong reading + saving
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "APA" wrong reading + saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "APA" wrong reading + saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Usos" not working reading + saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Usos 2" not working reading + saving
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Usos" not working reading + saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Usos 2" not working reading + saving
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Antonio Cesaro" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Antonio Cesaro" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Damien Sandow" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Damien Sandow" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Brian Pillman" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Brian Pillman" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Chainsaw Charlie" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Chainsaw Charlie" not working saving
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Layla not working" saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Layla not working" saving
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "Custom Soundtrack" detector
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "Custom Video" detector
    - Entrance Editor->Music:Fixed "None"
    - Entrance Editor->Movie:Fixed "None"
    - Entrance Editor->Fixed nearly all the Tag/Trio motions - They was all outdated
    - Entrance Editor->Renamed old Tag Team motions names
    - Entrance Editor->Info List: Udated the Entrances Info list
    - Entrance Editor->Info Text: Corrected some entries in the EntrancesInfo list
    - Fixed the Powerpack Issue for new Users.


    - Superstars Editor-> Attributes:completly recoded the Attributes (Stabilized + Faster saving)
    - Superstars Editor-> Hit Point Ratio:completly recoded the HPR. (Stabilized + Faster saving)
    - Stables Editor: Re-Coded & stabilized the Stable Editor (Stabilized)
    - Entrance Editor: Minor new Style improvements
    - CAF Editor->Move Abbreviations List: Improved the List with new features.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    WWE'13 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T V1.8

    - Moveset Editor: Added 131x new moves (55x Submissions & 76x Tag-Team moves)
    - CAF Editor: Added 133x new CAF moves
    - CAF Editor: Added 80x more CAF Slots (Now you can mod all your CAF Slots!)
    - Universe-> Historical Statistics Editor: Change the Historical-Statistics of each superstar,diva & dlc
    - Universe-> Title Editor: Added all Created Custom Championships to the title editor
    - Universe-> Title Editor: "Step-By-Step Guide"-Button (Learn more about the title editor.)
    - Match Creator Editor: Added "2 on 2 - Normal Tag" Match Rules
    - Match Creator Editor: Added "Triple Threat - Normal" Match Rules
    - Match Creator Editor: Added "Triple Threat - Table" Match Rules
    - Match Creator Editor: Added "Fatal 4 Way - Normal" Match Rules
    - Match Creator Editor: Added "Fatal 4 Way - Table" Match Rules
    - Balancings Editor: Added Reset Buttons (Reset the balancings back to the default value)
    - Settings: Added "Restart" Button
    - Superstars Editor: Added "Settings"-Button (Get to the settings faster without using the menu)

    - Login: THX-CLICK CHECK -> Better protection aggainst leechers + lazy & ungreatful peoples of 360haven
    (Credtis for the idea goes to PUR3RAF3X =) )

    NEW FIXES V1.8:
    - Balancings-Editor: Fixed wrong Damage-Balancings readings
    - Balancings-Editor: Fixed crash issues while saving & stabilized the save feature
    - Balancings-Editor->A.I. Reversals: Corrected "FINISHER ATTACK REVERSAL RATE" to "FOREIGN ATTACK REVERSAL RATE"
    - Matchcreator-Editor->Fatal4Way->Extreme Rules: Fixed "Interference, Climb Out Of The Cage & Escape through Door" wrong reading & saving
    - Universe->Title Editor: Fixed not working savings on saturday-titles
    - Entrance Editor: Fixed issues where it made the advanced intro motion not changeable
    - Entrance & Movesets Editor: Fixed 1 minor bug
    - Moveset Editor: Fixed "G.T.S. 2" wrong saving
    - Moveset Editor: Fixed "Heart Punch" wrong saving
    - Moveset Editor: Corrected the info text
    - Entrance Editor->Pre-set Tag Entranceslist: Corrected wrong tag team names
    - Caf Editor->Move Abbreviationslist: Corrected wrong abbreviations
    - CAF Editor: Fixed 13x not working moves
    - CAF Editor: Fixed "BACKBREAKER(S,f)"
    - CAF Editor: Fixed "JAWBREAKER 02(S,f)"
    - CAF Editor: Fixed "FRONT TO BACK(S,h)"
    - CAF Editor: Fixed "TIGER SPIN (S,h)"
    - CAF Editor: Corrected "CLOTHELINE TO FRONT[S,h]" to "CLOTHESLINE TO FRONT[S,h]"
    - Multiple Injectors: Corrected wrong Editornames
    - Savegame Editor StartUp: Fixed an issue where the tool did double startups!
    - Settings: Corrected wrong message
    - Login: Corrected wrong error messages
    - All Editors: Corrected wrong Editor-Names

    - Superstars Editor: reduced the window size
    - Moveset Editor: Reduced the window size & minor design improvements
    - Universe Editor: Corrected wrong messages.
    - Championship Editors: Minor design improvements
    - CAF Editor: Minor design improvements
    - Saving feature: Major stabilization & improvements on all saving features
    - Updater feature: Minor improvements
    - Login: Reduced the Login window size, corrected messages & other minor improvements on the design
    - Settings: Reduced the window size & other minor design improvements

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	10809  
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Hacker-T; 07-20-2013 at 12:08 PM. Reason: UPDATED TO VERSION 1.8

  2. The Following 1,030 Users Say Thank You to Hacker-T For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2
    Eternal Dragoon

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    Re: WWE13 HACK - Savegame Editor BY Hacker-T -!! DLC'S INCLUDED!!

    nice work on this editor Hacker-T
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    Re: WWE13 HACK - Savegame Editor BY Hacker-T -!! DLC'S INCLUDED!!

    Thank you bro - have fun :)

  5. #4
    The Immortal God

    CloudStrife7x is offline
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    Re: WWE13 HACK - Savegame Editor BY Hacker-T -!! DLC'S INCLUDED!!

    great work on this editor Hacker-T i would try it but i dont have the game lol
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    Re: WWE13 HACK - Savegame Editor BY Hacker-T -!! DLC'S INCLUDED!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CloudStrife7x View Post
    great work on this editor Hacker-T i would try it but i dont have the game lol
    lol ty bro, but can u nevertheless hit the thx button too?

  7. #6
    The Immortal God

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    Re: WWE13 HACK - Savegame Editor BY Hacker-T -!! DLC'S INCLUDED!!

    nevermind lol
    Last edited by CloudStrife7x; 12-16-2012 at 10:58 PM.
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    PUR3 RAF3X is offline
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    Re: WWE13 HACK - Savegame Editor BY Hacker-T -!! DLC'S INCLUDED!!

    Schön Schön Danke für deine Arbeit wenn ich Zeit habe werde ich mir dein Tool anschauen habe selber haufen Arbeit an meinem wollte meines heute raushauen natürlich nicht hier weil es nicht umsonst ist. Mich freut das die User eines von dir haben ;) Ach und du hast meinen Namen falsch geschrieben lol.

    Ich würde die Hit ratio machen ist sehr einfach und das Game will immer 100%
    Brand ist pflicht egal was andere sagen ich habe 3 Versionen gemacht mit WWE13 sind es 4 und die Leute wollen so viel wie möglich hau rein was geht.
    Im Game geht viel aber ist wegen laden switchen usw immer für den Arsch und deshalb mehr mehr.
    Ich gebe dir nur so ein Beispiel versuch von allen 50 CAW die Attribute zu ändern +/- egal. Ich Wette du brauchst dazu so locker 20 min lol mit meinem Tool geht das in 20 sec nur so zum vergleich.

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    Re: WWE13 HACK - Savegame Editor BY Hacker-T -!! DLC'S INCLUDED!!

    Quote Originally Posted by PUR3 RAF3X View Post
    Schön Schön Danke für deine Arbeit wenn ich Zeit habe werde ich mir dein Tool anschauen habe selber haufen Arbeit an meinem wollte meines heute raushauen natürlich nicht hier weil es nicht umsonst ist. Mich freut das die User eines von dir haben ;) Ach und du hast meinen Namen falsch geschrieben lol.
    komm trillian



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