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DBZ: difference between Remastered and Dragon Box
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  1. #1
    Emerald Lance

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    Hehe DBZ: difference between Remastered and Dragon Box

    I know we have some DBZ fans here, maybe one of you can help me out. I know the Remastered version has that hideously ugly cropping and Dragon Box doesn't, but are there any other differences in the video?

    Let's say I had an episode taken from Dragon Box and saved as .mkv format, and I also had the audio data from that same episode from Remastered. Would it be possible to superimpose the Remastered audio with the Dragon Box video?

    The reason I ask is because I'm collecting all the Dragon Boxes. I don't mind the original Japanese music, but I grew up on Bruce Faulconer and think his music suits the anime better. I have a friend who owns some of the Remastered DVDs and I watched a few episodes with him; normally I wouldn't mind a little bit of minor cropping as long as it isn't noticeable, but holy crap the Remastered is ugly as sin! So I plan to rip my Dragon Box episodes and replace the audio with the Remastered audio, then tie it all up in nice and pretty .mkv files. Other than the cropping (and the "last time on Dragonball Z" segments) is there any difference between the videos of Dragon Box and Remastered?
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    dereaper is offline
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    by remastered are u saying the ultimate uncut versions theat they released in the 9 box set dvd's before they started airing kai?
    if so i have the entire collection all of them are in original widescreen format funny thing is there normal dvd's but the video files are actually encoded to 1080p tis why they had to use use so many dvd'9

    there seems to be a slight time difference int he uncut releases to the bruce fulkner versions i dont think they would sink up to well.

    well off to work ill catch you later

  3. #3
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by dereaper View Post
    by remastered are u saying the ultimate uncut versions
    No, I don't mean the Ultimate Uncut Edition, I'm talking about the FUNimation Remastered Box Sets. I want to superimpose the music from Remastered onto the video of the Dragon Box Sets and save the resulting episodes as .mkv files to play in VLC. I think there's no reason they couldn't at least have put Faulconer's music in like they did with Remastered, so I'm gonna do it myself. I know I'll have to do at least SOME editing to the audio to get it to sync right, but I want to get an idea of about how much, a little or a lot.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."



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