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Sacred 2 item list and how to unzip and repack "need microsoft excell to open this"
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    Sacred 2 item list and how to unzip and repack "need microsoft excell to open this"

    ok this is a list of every item code for sacred 2 fallen angel it will even give you codes for pc items.it is kinda hard to understand.but just to let yall know you need microsoft excell to open this document.i havent modded sacred 2 in a long time but if anyone needs any help understanding this list i will help where i can.

    "click here to download the list"

    and this is how to unpack your sacred2 save to mod

    Sacred 2 Hex Know hows!
    How to use Offzip:

    1. Make a folder called Extracted Data
    2. Start>RUN>Type CMD>Press Enter
    3. Drag Offzip.exe into CMD press SPACE
    4. Type -a press SPACE
    5. Drag Sacred Save into CMD press SPACE
    6. Drag Extracted Data folder into CMD press SPACE
    7. Type 0x32
    8. Press Enter
    9. Find your characters .dat file in the Extracted Data folder (Should be something in the 0000F###.dat range or the 0000D###.dat)
    10. Open it in your favorite Hex Editor

    How to use Packzip:

    1. Start>RUN>Type CMD>Press Enter
    2. Drag Packzip.exe into CMD press SPACE
    3. Type -o <Offset value> (whatever your .dat file is called) (ie. mine is 0000d103.dat, so I would type: -o 0xd103) press SPACE
    4. Drag the .dat file into CMD press SPACE
    5. Drag Sacred Save into CMD
    6. Press Enter

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to pope420 For This Useful Post:



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