alright now
every knows divinity 2 right ? well there is a new one called the dragon knight saga i was wondering before i post a save would anyone actually look at trying ? because i have like 20 skill point and like 89 thousand dollars easy valued ? let me know well here we go
health or hitpoints 278
mana 278
total experience 2881828
experience needed to level 154172
vitality 6
spirit 6
strength 52
dexterity 59
intelligence 65
melee resistance 22.38 %
ranged 24.65%
magic 26.50%
conditional body 52%
heightened reflexes 58 %
indomitable will 65%
skill points left 13
and money :) 84257
level is 44
only thing thats a priority is money and skill points :) hopefully someone can figure it out
also by the way this is close to end achievments might pop idk but spoiler alert :)
title different to be able to tell diference
health o rhitpoints 274
mana 274
level 43
total exp 2710420
exp needed to level 127580
vitality 6
spirit 6
strength 52
dexterity 57
intelligence 63
melee resistance 22.38%
range 24.02%
magic 25.89 %
conditional body 52%
heightened relexes 57%
indomitable will 63%
money is 84011
skill points 12
there we go good luck