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Gears 3 Future Retail Bans.
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  1. #1

    slyfuldragon is offline
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    Gears 3 Future Retail Bans.

    **Should have been posted in Xbox 360 Game News, lol sorry guys**

    It was brought to my attention:

    That there are a few versions of the Gears of War 3 Beta floating around on the Net.
    (Some that are the REAL Pre-Order BETA) but,
    One in particular is the one that ALLOWS you to update and play it before th 25th without Bulletstorm. (A.K.A: the VIP one)

    [Now I checked my profile as well]
    But it seems that it injects its signature into your profile instead on the Authentic GOW 3 BETA Token.
    Now it is unclear as to if they are going to be doing Profile or System bans.
    However they will be banning people from playing Gears of War 3 Online.

    It is ALSO unclear in resolving this before the ban as methods like Downloading the Authentic Pre-Order GOW 3 Beta and playing it so the token over rights the "other" signature.

    I would suggest deleting the VIP Gears 3 beta and clearing your system's cache before downloading and playing the Pre-Order Gears 3 beta to ATTEMPT correct the mistakes and avoid the upcoming Gears 3 Retail ban.
    Last edited by slyfuldragon; 04-22-2011 at 12:08 AM.
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  2. #2
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    Paprika is offline
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    Saw that Flak from Unreal forums mention they want to ban retail copies, seriously stupid move its a damn beta, a test nothing more. So people download and play a copy of what is not the full version so what, isn't it in some regards a good thing that people go to these lengths to play it?

    Yeah I'm playing an un-legit copy on an un-legit profile for that very purpose, I also have a authentic beta code from EB games waiting on my memory card, so either way I can play it, its just stupid them going to such lengths over a beta (No matter how much I am enjoying it, it is too much)

    I also highly doubt they will do system bans as the argument could arise from the system being used by multiple people so you can argue that why am I getting penalized for what other people did on this system, that's just an example.
    IP bans yeah it would work for those who don't have either a dynamic ip or know how to change their ip but other than that it is also pointless.
    Profile bans will do shit since most people (Who are even a tiny nit cautious would be playing on a faux account

    Its just really a scare tactic if anything to try to stop people playing which is a bit redundant considering that's what a beta is for...
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  3. #3
    they're just playing psychological wafare using scare tactics to stop people from playing the beta they probably wont ban anyone for playing it a day early.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by WELLS51 View Post
    they're just playing psychological wafare using scare tactics to stop people from playing the beta they probably wont ban anyone for playing it a day early.
    This is what I was thinking. I doubt they'll ban anyone. Plus the game isn't even that great. If they decide to ban me, then I just won't buy the game. There's no real loss in not buying the game, it feels almost exactly the same as GoW2 to me. It's a lose, lose situation for them IMO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Twis7eD View Post
    This is what I was thinking. I doubt they'll ban anyone. Plus the game isn't even that great. If they decide to ban me, then I just won't buy the game. There's no real loss in not buying the game, it feels almost exactly the same as GoW2 to me. It's a lose, lose situation for them IMO.
    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
    Campaign FTW, Multiplayer FTL

    Feels like i'm the only one who is really enjoying the MP:(
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  7. #7
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    Ravanofdarkness is offline
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    It wouldn't make sense them banning People for playing the Gears 3 Beta because all i could do is call them up and say: Hey whats up with you guys banning my Account/Console for playing the Gears 3 Beta that i copied over from my Friends Hard Drive" it's like copying a Demo from one hard drive to another. It's their fault for not making it Console Locked.

    Also, they get more People to test out their Multiplayer Beta to improve it in the Final Game. If they start banning People for something this Stupid they might start banning everyone that downloads Game Demo's off the Marketplace.
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  8. #8
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    for the vip one are you talking about the bulletstorm one ?


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