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Jtag setting it up info: New Hard Drive, Files, Freestyle dash, ect
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  1. #1
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    Jtag setting it up info: New Hard Drive, Files, Freestyle dash, ect

    Jtag setting up info sections

    1. New Hard Drive.
    2. Xbox 1 game fixes and hacked Backwards Compatibility for Devkit.
    3. File setup.
    4. Avatars and Dash Launch.
    5. Setting up Freestyle dash.

    1. New Hard drive.
    So you have a new Hard drive in the ms shell or have had some one wire up a external Hard drive for you. What now? First you need reformat the hard drive with the xbox 360. Then download a xex launcher and get it onto the hard drive, usb, or memory card. Download and run the (hdd compat partition fixer v1). That will make the Hdd X for the xbox 1 stuff. More details info (here) replay #4.

    2. Download (xbox 1 nov 2007 hacked Backwards Compatibility for Devkit). One xexmenu or freestyle dash open Hddx using a ftp program. After that download and run (xbox 1 games default for 360). Now you have a fully working xbox 360 that can run the best xbox 1 stuff :p.

    3. Now we need to set up the Hdd1. This will help for freestyle dash and also to organize things. In Hdd1 make the fallowing files. Applications, Dashboard, Emulators, Games, and Xbox1. Any applications go in to the application file. Place allof the dash boards to place to launch in the dashboard file. Xbox 1 and xbox 360 emulators go into the emulator file. Xbox 360 games go in to games and xbox 1 games go into xbox 1. You can put the xbox 1 emus into the xbox 1 file if you wish.

    4. Now you want to update the xbox 360 so you can use avatars and the Kincet. Download (systemupdate12611) Place it on to a cd or the root of a usb. Once u place it into the xbox 360 it will give u a pop up asking to update. Only do so if u know or efuses are protected. Now the last step is to install (dash launch) and setup a auto launch of freestyle dash so u can change ur fan speed at 100%:D.

    5. After u install freestyle dash for the first time there are some thing you will have to set yourself. First move up to Utilities. Set the general setting as you wish. Check for update. Go over to system setting and change that to your liking. Next go over to Content settings and click on Manage Game Paths.

    Hit Y to add new path. You will see this:

    Click on which ever path ur trying to add. I am adding xbox live arcade games. Then click on change path. Go to HDD1/Content/0000000000000000 once inside on the ..s hit Y to save. That will add and of the arcade game you bought to the xbl arcade path.

    Once done yours should look like this.

    Big thanx to all the programmers for making the apps and emus for the xbox 360.
    Last edited by Magnus Hydra; 01-01-2011 at 02:44 AM.

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  3. #2
    Gfx Artist

    Abd-L-Azeez is offline
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    this is great man ... some people is very cheap in sharing this info ..

    thank you

  4. #3
    tried, and tried, but still can't get xbox1 games to work on the jtag. Have the backwards compatability hack on the hddx, ran the default xex from the other file, and the xbox1 games in the xbox1 folder. FSD picks them up, and shows them, but when I try to play them it just shows the xbox screen and freezes there. Am I supposed to do anything special to the xbox iso's. I just turned them into god format?

  5. #4
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    I just copy my games using the copy dvd thing in freestyle dash. If u download one as a iso extract the files from the iso. That should work fine. Have u installed dash launch? If not that might be the problem. Let me know cause your the first person that has had this problem that I know of so far.

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  7. #5
    No, haven't installed Dashlaunch yet, that is most likely the next thing to do. Been real busy with too many projects. I'll report back once I have it installed. Thanks for the quick response.

  8. #6
    Follow the Buzzards

    BrayWyatt is offline
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    when will the slim be able to be jtagged? cuz, im not gonna renew my gold. since it went up $10.
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  9. #7
    I just want to thank Magnus Hydra again for the help he provided me earlier. It's not often you run into nice people on the internet. Rock on dude.

  10. #8
    sorry for the late reply but its important for the tutorial. For xbox 1 functionality you also need the xbox emulator files (around 180mb) installed in hddx before you use your hacked compatability files. These can be found on a official hdd or on the web.


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