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How much of a square would I be if I rocked these?
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  1. #1
    Mister Epic

    How much of a square would I be if I rocked these?

    I'd proudly and happily rock these shirts in public:


    http://www.hellotux.com/Category_Polo.php (I'd especially rock the Linux Mint ones)

    I will at least say that I'd be rocking it because I have a genuine interest in Linux and the Linux community, rather than for "Hipster Faux Nerd" reasons or whatever kids, teens and twenty-somethings/20-somethings these days do.

    This is the kind of stuff you would probably rarely see people wear in public. They would probably be too embarrassed to do so. But no sir! Not this Linux fanboy!

    ROCK ON! \m/

  2. #2
    Haven Donator
    TLOR FETT is offline
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    Posts : 382
    None at all? Have you seen some of the shit these creep nerds ware?

  3. #3
    Mister Epic

    Not sure what you're trying to say or reference here.

    I've seen nerds wear stuff like He-Man (80's) shirts, Transformers (80's) shirts, D&D-related shirts, Video Game-related shirts and stuff like that. Nothing creepy about that, so I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

    Unless you have some kind of vendetta against nerds?



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