Hi all,
We are a cummunity and we all work together to make gaming fun. I want to say thanks to everyone that contributes to this community. We are one.
I want to know your top 5 games you would like to play in co-op so we can get a clan or something going. For games people play online the most (to online cheats please - kills the fun) We can arrange games etc.
Top 5
Fifa 11
Fight Night championship
Super Street Fighter
Those are the only good multiplayer games I have. But I might just be able to get what ever the cummunity likes the most.
Only Members that will be active on the site please
Mature or over 17 please.
Headset recommended. :)
Brink ---------------------------------------------------------- 4
Crysis 2 ------------------------------------------------------ 3
Super Street Fighter -----------------------------------------3
Two worlds 2 -------------------------------------------------2
Dead or Alive 4 -----------------------------------------------2