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PS3 leading platform for L.A. Noire
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    Fire PS3 leading platform for L.A. Noire

    Team Bondi has revealed that the PS3 was the leading platform for its upcoming detective thriller, L.A. Noire.

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    Speaking in an interview with 1UP, studio boss Brendan McNamara said that the game was developed on the PS3 first and then it was ported to the Xbox 360 because of the studio's familiarity with Sony's hardware.

    “I think it was an obvious decision. We'd always been -- apart from Psygnosis which was for Sony -- we always made multiplatform stuff. But essentially, for some 10 years at Sony, we were an internal shop,” said McNamara. “We knew the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 stuff pretty well, and for us it was a change. But for Rockstar they'd done a lot of that.”

    “For this project, we led on PlayStation 3, and in a way I think that's what most people are doing. We found out that people were doing 360 and then trying to get stuff across to PS3 and were struggling with it. There seems to be less of a struggle to go the other way, I think. You hear things that you have to put a lot of effort into on PS3 and get it up and running pretty quickly on the 360,” he said.

    As we previously reported, the Xbox 360 version of the game comes on three discs, while the PS3 version will be on single Blu-ray. L.A. Noire will be out on May 17th in North America and May 20th in Europe for the PS3 and Xbox 360.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 05-21-2011 at 06:43 AM.
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