Here are the instructions on how to mod Rainbow Six Vegas 2.
*Here we will be editing your "XP". This will help to get the Rank Achievements, Private, Officer, Elite. Just be sure to edit your XP 1 number less than what it requires for the rank. If you go over, the achievement will not unlock.
The XP required for the Ranks
-Private : (check and see, I don't know)
-Officer : 140000 - set to 139999 (000036AF in hex) to get the achievement.
-Elite : 400000 - set to 399999 (00061A7F in hex) to get the achievement.
1) Open your PROFILE (not the gamesaves) up in any hex editor.
2) Now do a Hex search for your XP in hex. You will find 2 sections with this in it. Edit BOTH EXACTLY THE SAME.
-my XP was 140304, so in hex that is 00022410. This is stored as 4 Bytes.
3) Then after editing, save your file and REHASH.
4) Load file back on HDD, start game and continue.
*Here we will be editing your "Aces". This will help to unlock weapons and the achievement.
1) Open your PROFILE (not your saves) in any hex editor.
2) Now do a Hex search for your Aces in hex. There will be 2 sections with this in it. Edit BOTH EXACTLY THE SAME.
-my Aces for CQB was 1234, so in hex that is 04D2. This is stored as 2 Bytes.
There are 3 different types of Aces to get. So search for the amounts you have in each or whichever ones you want to max. Remember, if you want that achievement, only hex them to 1399 (0577 in hex) that way you can kill one more of each and get the achievement and unlock all weapons.
Here a the 3 types of Aces.
3) Then after editing, save your file and REHASH.
4) Load file back on HDD, start game and continue.
Credit Goes to JizzaBeez