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Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?
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  1. #1
    Mister Epic

    Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    Basically I'm looking for someone who can hack PSP saves to edit stuff in the game or someone who is running CFW and has CWCheat or another cheat program/application/plug-in installed.

    Basically what I would like to request and want done is to max out my money and have all items, materials, vendor items, costumes, bullets and equipment on my God Eater Burst gamesave. I have pre-order DLC, by the way, so I'm not sure if that would affect this. (GameStop pre-order DLC)

    If this is possible and anyone can do this for me, then I would appreciate it very much and also thank you as well as give you positive rep on here.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Re: Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    Sorry, brochacho. PSP saves are encrypted, each with a different form of encryption. There are ways to cheat it, but (to my knowledge) you need to have a CFW and the game itself, and even then only a small amount of old/super popular games have had the encryptions busted; last time I checked, only about seven in total, though the list may have grown a bit since then.

    In short, what you're asking for may be impossible. I don't remember seeing anything for God Eater Burst when researching how to hack PSP saves. Again, sorry.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  3. #3
    Wisdom Sold Seperately

    8Ball is offline
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    Re: Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    The whole encryption thing was gracefully tap-danced around a while back, it involved using one of the obscure cheat plugins (i think it had free in the title) that had a setting that forced a game to save its data unencrypted, the main purpose of which was to take the saves "guts" and install them into another save for repair or some other adventure, absolutely no idea if it was pure decryption or just enough to go about the tasks but it did what was on the label.

    It's so much easier to just crank up cwcheat and hack the shit out of the ram, i absolutely battered god eater with codes but the problem these days is the variance of ISOs and apparently what cfw is used plays a part in if the cheats work, these days i end up having to make 2 sets of the same codes because the offsets like to ump between them which in the retail game isn't natural, god eater also crashes on saving codelists and then jumps to the other set, by that point though i already have the entire set so its no problem.

    I'll try and dig up the list i used, some codes were 'borrowed' some are coincidentally similar but made by me and some are tweaked for my pleasure.

    I never actually got round to the unlock stuff however, just inf inventory which i used to bulk up the quantity, getting the item ids resulted in too many crashs which also changed the codeset over.
    I did make name changers which when coupled with some facial/hair mods lets you make a unique character... at the end of the game.

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  5. #4
    Mister Epic

    Re: Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald Lance View Post
    Sorry, brochacho. PSP saves are encrypted, each with a different form of encryption. There are ways to cheat it, but (to my knowledge) you need to have a CFW and the game itself, and even then only a small amount of old/super popular games have had the encryptions busted; last time I checked, only about seven in total, though the list may have grown a bit since then.

    In short, what you're asking for may be impossible. I don't remember seeing anything for God Eater Burst when researching how to hack PSP saves. Again, sorry.
    Sorry bro-dude, but you don't seem to be well-versed in the ways of PSP.

    I do have the game and I do not need CFW myself since I can just send my save to someone who does have it installed and thus they can simply use the cheat codes on the game and save the data afterwards. It's that simple if someone goes with that method and there are CWCheat or AR Temp codes for this games. This method is the easiest and very possible.

    (I would use CFW myself, but not only have I forgot how to put all that on my PSP and mess around with it, but also I am on the latest OFW sadly and on a PSP 3000-series, no less. *sadface*)

    I'm sure at least one person out there somewhere has God Eater Burst and CFW with one of the cheat plug-ins/apps/programs installed.

    However! You are correct about hacking saves what with the encryption and whatnot but I figure there just might be a select few who are privy to a way around it and have successfully hacked/edited saves as we have with the 360. But good luck to me on finding such a person! It's not impossible per se, but rather Mission: Impossible, meaning it can be done, but it extremely complex, complicated and probably very much hard to do so.

    Thank you for your input, though. Appreciate it.

    Quote Originally Posted by 8Ball View Post
    The whole encryption thing was gracefully tap-danced around a while back, it involved using one of the obscure cheat plugins (i think it had free in the title) that had a setting that forced a game to save its data unencrypted, the main purpose of which was to take the saves "guts" and install them into another save for repair or some other adventure, absolutely no idea if it was pure decryption or just enough to go about the tasks but it did what was on the label.

    It's so much easier to just crank up cwcheat and hack the shit out of the ram, i absolutely battered god eater with codes but the problem these days is the variance of ISOs and apparently what cfw is used plays a part in if the cheats work, these days i end up having to make 2 sets of the same codes because the offsets like to ump between them which in the retail game isn't natural, god eater also crashes on saving codelists and then jumps to the other set, by that point though i already have the entire set so its no problem.

    I'll try and dig up the list i used, some codes were 'borrowed' some are coincidentally similar but made by me and some are tweaked for my pleasure.

    I never actually got round to the unlock stuff however, just inf inventory which i used to bulk up the quantity, getting the item ids resulted in too many crashs which also changed the codeset over.
    I did make name changers which when coupled with some facial/hair mods lets you make a unique character... at the end of the game.
    If what you said about the encryption issue is true, then that is pretty interesting news.

    It sucks that CWCheat has problems with this game, though. Damn...

    Maybe you could try AR Temp instead, which uses both Action Replay codes and CWCheat codes.

    Would it be easy and simple for you to simply give me max money and nothing but that? I figure that won't be too much of a hassle and it won't crash the game.

    Also, are there only codes for God Eater Burst that you made? What about codes from other people or from the CWCheat site/database itself? Ones that come directly from the database are usually more reliable and stable as far as I know from when I used to use CWCheat back when I had CFW on my PSP.

    Either ways, get back at me and let me know what's up.

    Thanks a lot man.

  6. #5
    Wisdom Sold Seperately

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    Re: Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    Send me your save and assuming my codes work (if not i can do some quickies like money) ill top you up.
    in the meantime i also found the source of wtf i was talking about concerning the save encryption, at one point my god eater kept crashing at a point i assumed to be because of codes, turned out the iso i was using just needed to be resent, the memorystick i use is getting a tad dodgy, i thought it was the save so i attempted a transfer, the transfer worked but i didnt fix my problem, its always the simplist solutions that work...
    This method seems to work as it involves extracting keys and modifying the save routines, at the time it was a good read, now i can't be assed.

    Frankly I've been eyeing up the wii gamesaves for a long time, i saw a dll a while ago for wii but i have no damn clue what it does, if i ever get my hands on the knowhow i call dibs on wii games.

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  8. #6
    Mister Epic

    Re: Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    Thanks man. Here's my save. Hope you can do something with it. (Nothing fancy, I'll just settle for max money until you can get more stable/working codes.)

    Appreciate it.

    The rar is password-protected, by the way. I will private message it to you

    Edit: Posting Character Stats

    Money: 11,852

    Characters Stats
    HP: 100
    OP (Oracle Points): 100
    ST (Stamina): 110
    Gun Attack: x 2.11
    Bade/Sword Attack: 135
    Average Defense: 181

    Gun Stats
    Bugle Gun II (Blast Type)
    Crush: x 0.96
    Pierce: x 0.50
    Blaze: x 2.80
    Freeze: x 2.80
    Spark: x 2.80
    Divine: x 2.80
    Skill on Gun: Venom Resistance

    Sword Stats
    Wild Sword Yang II (Short Type)
    Sunder: 65
    Pierce: 70
    Skills on Sword: Hold S, Combo Master

    Shield Stats
    Draco Shield (Tower Shield Type)
    Sunder: 170
    Crush: 210
    Pierce: 170
    Blaze: 180
    Freeze: 180
    Spark: 180
    Divine: 180
    Skill on Shield: Expand Guard Area, Stamina Up S
    Last edited by Mister Epic; 05-22-2011 at 05:15 AM. Reason: Save File Status Update

  9. #7
    Emerald Lance

    Emerald Lance is offline
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    Re: Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    No, what I meant was that whoever was going to cheat your save would have to be using CFW, not you yourself. Also, I don't ever remember that game's encryption having been cracked, so I was bringing that up as well.

    However, if what 8Ball said is indeed true and this game is hackable, then I'll back off as the herp-derp I am. ^-^
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
    "I know where these guys are going, but in all seriousness, just trying to imagine loved ones being killed almost never works. Be a man and travel into space and shoot at asteroids until you get yourself in an actual life threatening situation."

  10. #8
    Mister Epic

    Re: Is anyone here capable of hacking or cheating PSP saves?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald Lance View Post
    No, what I meant was that whoever was going to cheat your save would have to be using CFW, not you yourself. Also, I don't ever remember that game's encryption having been cracked, so I was bringing that up as well.

    However, if what 8Ball said is indeed true and this game is hackable, then I'll back off as the herp-derp I am. ^-^
    Ah, I see. Don't have to call yourself a herp-derp, though. :-P

    I think decrypting saves are possible now as Sephiroth just linked me to a PSP CFW plugin: http://forums.exophase.com/showthread.php?t=5439&page=1

    Yo 8Ball, you can try using that?


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