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Metareview: L.A. Noire
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    jkipp82 is offline
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    Metareview: L.A. Noire

    L.A. Noire is the game we found "too interesting to ignore." As for other folks?

    Giant Bomb (5/5): "The world already has enough open-world action games, but a game which marries that open world to such a methodical style of gameplay, with a budget this big, is a rare thing indeed."

    Name:  lanoirehomicideimage9x_530x298.jpg
Views: 7922
Size:  19.9 KB
    1UP (A): "Despite the shortcomings of the combat, it still doesn't detract from the overall experience of L.A. Noire. By the end of the game, I felt like a seasoned gumshoe with years of experience under my belt. The evidence-gathering gameplay, and conversation-based puzzles requiring actual logic took me completely by surprise -- not just because of how "real" it seemed, but by how entertained I was just doing it all."
    Gamespot (90/100): "L.A. Noire is a unique game with a terrific sense of period atmosphere, absorbing investigation mechanics, and a haunting tale with plenty of moments that would be right at home in a classic film noir. Those smoky nights spent listening to jazz at the Blue Room, and the price you paid for them, will stay with you long after you've retired your badge and gun. "
    Eurogamer (80/100): "But where Ace Attorney carries you through on winning characterization and a swift interface, L.A. Noire's realistic, low-key style gives this process a very different pace and flavor. To begin with, it's disconcertingly slow, but you soon relax into and start to enjoy its steady, methodical tempo."
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 05-21-2011 at 03:10 AM.
    Downloads : 7 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 7248 || Posts : 1,940 || Thanks : 96 || Thanked 568 Times in 319 Posts



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