Made a backup of your save before !
Note your actual money value in the game (35525$ for me => 8935 in Hex).
If you have a money value of 935 in Hex , don't forget to add a 0 => research 0935 (like in HxD)
Open your save and search your money in HEX value. If you're using HexWorkshop, look at unknown v2 reply (4th).
Look in the entire file to determine where are your values, look down, you will find indenticals values (in green) 2 times near your money.
Use a hex converter or your Hex editor to convert value you want in Hex. (ex: num-converter
I want 50 000$ => C350 in HEX
Replace Values :
Save your file & rehash.
Look down this topic to find Magnus Hydra boosted save & explanation.
Start Campaign at the beginning with 60 000 $ only, will not unlock any achievement.
The save isn't anonymized, don't worry about me , resign with CN CON Resigner & it will work fine.
Wolfenstein - 9990000$
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For these who didn't find weapons improvements:
014240 is your 1st weapon. After you see 01 01 01 01 01 => 5 improvements for MP40, so you can find others easily ...
Credit goes to piquick