Trademark application from Metal Gear publisher filed June 4 and covers unspecified game software.

Metal Gear publisher Konami has filed a trademark application for a new game called "Contra Run and Gun."

The trademark application--spotted by AllGamesBeta--was filed with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) on June 4.

It specifically covers,"Video game software; video game programs; computer game software; computer game programs; electronic game programs."

Konami first teased a new Contra game in June 2011, closing out its pre-E3 2011 press conference with a teaser logo (above right) and the words: "They're coming."

The most recent entry in the Contra series was 2011's Hard Corps: Uprising, a prequel to the Sega Genesis game Contra: Hard Corps.

E3 2013 takes place June 11-13 in Los Angeles. For more on E3, check out GameSpot's extended preview of the trade show below.
