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Dante's Inferno Iso Modding Tut
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  1. #1
    Haven Donator
    BlackHeart is offline
    Join Date : Dec 2010
    Posts : 63

    Dante's Inferno Iso Modding Tut


    Wx360 http://gael360.free.fr/wx360.php
    hex workshop search google
    Dante's Inferno Iso (duh) xbox360iso
    A brain:)

    The first thing you gotz to do is get the iso download it w/e and then open it up using wx360

    The next thing is you see the file called bigfile0.viv this has all the goodies and the first one I looked in now right click and extract it will take some time it is 3gb after all hehe.

    Now open the file in hex and goto edit and find then text string make sure it's ASCII STRING then type in SCORE_DAMAGE_TAKEN_MULTIPLIER

    Has you can see there will be a number next to it like 1.0 change it to 0.0 you will be god.

    You see you can look up unholy 0 and scroll down to unholy lv 1 ect and change them to 0!!!this will allow you to lv up to a 7 np:)

    You can see here that looking up SCORE_CROSS_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER you can change that value to 9.0 this is like a weapon hack so one hit beatdown lol.

    Samething here search SCORE_SCYTHE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER and change 1.0 to 9.0

    you can also look for alot of things like
    MANA_COST_MULTIPLIER", 0.00 changed this and now you wont loose mana
    SCORE_RELIC_10_SCYTHE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER", 9.99 will boost your damage when a certian relic is equipped
    This was originally posted by memturbo

    Now it if it has a SCORE_SCYTHE_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER '0 you can't edit it so don't now if you don't want to waste discs (Like me) then use isogod so you won't have to

    Credit Goes to
    Last edited by BlackHeart; 12-21-2010 at 03:05 AM.

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to BlackHeart For This Useful Post:

  3. #2

    Re: Dante's Inferno Iso Modding Tut

    Black Thanks for the explanation, but ... works with any dante, s? I say this because looking for a version in Italian for this game, call me geek if you want, jejejej

  4. #3

    Re: Dante's Inferno Iso Modding Tut

    Thanks you the SE



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