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[TUT] How To Mod Transformers: War for Cybertron
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    Haven Donator
    BlackHeart is offline
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    [TUT] How To Mod Transformers: War for Cybertron

    Tutorial for how to mod Transformers: War for Cybertron with max main weapon ammo (robot and car mode) and invincible (infinite shield)

    Game Folder ID: 4156084c
    Tool needed: hex workshop and xbox360 hash block calculator
    Things to remember:
    1: after modding it, if you pick up any ammo, it will reset it back to normal. and try not to switch the main weapon with other weapon that you can pick up. if accidently pick up ammo, pause the game and restart from last checkpoint if it not yet been overwrite.

    2: this game is like alan wake, every mission will reset your ammo and health back to normal. so, have to mod it each stage

    Here is it, all part of tutorial below is example from my save. so, the value will not be same for everyone.

    open up CheckPoint1.sav or CheckPoint0.sav with hex workshop. search for the in game main weapon value after the save checkpoint. mine is 20 and its value is 00000014. search for the value, you will find it if you see text string at right side of hexworkshop show some info for the weapon.

    change it to 05F5E0FF which is 99999999.

    now, is for the car/tank/ truck main weapon ammo. mine ammo is 10 so the value is 0000000A...

    change it to 05F5E0FF which is 99999999

    lastly we will mode the health to invincible which is infinite shield. you cant get damage no matter what. i found a easy way is to scroll down from hexworkshop until the bottom near the end. you will see the text string at right window show some info of your save status like which mission, what robot you play. and after the robot name, there is only ...... and in between it, you can see a C or D. so highlight .c.. or .D.. and edit the value to 0054C980. now you can see it always change to .T.. this mean you did right.

    before invincible:

    the offset is around 0000E0D8 and 0000E0EC. you will see C in the text string at right side... edit the value 0043D480 to 0054C980. you will get invincible in game...

    after mod to invincible:

    after modding it, save it and use xbox360 hash block calculator to rehash it, then put it back to your hdd and enjoy the game...

    P.S. i dont know i screw up of it's just the mission 3 of the game. after i start mission 3, hit the checkpoint. i quit out and mod my save. then i load the save, it always bring me back to choosing robot menu and force me to start the mission from begining. if you having trouble like me, quit to dashboard. copy the save of the game from memory to other memory device. and load the save again, it still bring you back to begining of mission but after you play through few chapter and after save. it will works again.

    Credit Goes to doket

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