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[Black Ops] How to mod the games Xex
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  1. #1
    Haven Donator
    BlackHeart is offline
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    [Black Ops] How to mod the games Xex

    Xextool 5.2 (Xorloser)
    Xorloser's PPC Altivec plugin v1.6 for IDA v5.6
    Hex editor
    Black Ops xex

    1. Make sure you have xextool and the black ops xex in the same folder.

    2. Shift and right click to "Open command window here"

    3. Type the below command shown in the picture changing "blop.exe/blop.xex" to whatever you named your xex

    4. You have now extracted the basefile from the xex and created an idc file used to analyze the basefile as code. Below is shown where to load in IDA

    5. Drag your basefile (.exe) into IDA, this needs to be loaded as a binary using the PPC Processor Setting.

    6. Use the addresses referenced by Xextool load your basefile.

    7. Select OK. Then File >IDC file. Select the idc file created by Xextool. Select Yes analyze as code

    8. Find the string for the Dvars that you want to change *those that have floats* and find the corresponding hex bytes in Hexview

    9. Open your basefile in a hex editor search for the exact hex bytes then change them to your wanted values.

    10. Now, open your xex *note the actual xex* in hex editor and search for where the executable actually begins, search for the exact ansi string "MZ" and replace your modded basefile *which starts with MZ* over the Xex

    1. Find the Dvar you want to switch to on

    2. Change the Hex byte at the end of the below to 01 from 00

    3. Here is the same as above except for "sustain_ammo"

    Then load your xex on your Jtag and your replaced values should be reflected in the game...the above example will make your player have 0 friction *slides around the map* although with changing different floats comes different effects

    Credit goes to CoN V ERTeD

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to BlackHeart For This Useful Post:

  3. #2

    xICEMANx117 is offline
    Join Date : Dec 2010
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    Very Nice you are a god amongst men my friend

  4. #3
    Haven Donator
    BlackHeart is offline
    Join Date : Dec 2010
    Posts : 63
    Thank you just trying to help the site.



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