What i have shown you is reality. What you remember... that is the illusion.
Looking good , can,t wait to see this.
wow cant wait for this , it looks awesome
this movie was epic imo i think its the best prequel
huge xmen fan here and this trailer rocked.. I finally got to watch it last week and by far the best in the series
Awesome movie.I like it very much.It's a strangely talky motion picture.
I was expecting a solid movie. Matthew Vaughn is easily one of my favorite directors.
awsome movie , good storyline, great powers :D
"seen it, download (get) it, own it"
Fantastic movie I really like this types of movies. In which all character James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence are my favorites. Specially James McAvoy. Such was the great film of this year.