Now i know there have been a lot of ppl on torrent sites that have been asking about this so this is how u make it english for most of it some cutscenes are still french but other than that its all english.
remove the XBOX360TOC_xxx files, leaving the XBOX360TOC.txt file from the DFGAME folder
in the COOKEDXENON folder, delete COALESCED_FRA.bin
now make a copy of COALESCED_int.bin and rename it COALESCED_FRA.bin
your FRA bin file should now be the same as your INT file
menus + sound are now 100% english
Good luck and stay sexy also if u wanna know the save is actually the GPD and no there is no checksum but the only value that has successfully worked for me is gold so far.
Credit to FeralA9X and ADDZ over at XPGamesaves