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[Release] [Xbox360/PS3] Diablo 3 Save Editor V2.0.0.9
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  1. #1
    Program Engineer

    Jappi88 is offline
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    [Xbox360/PS3] Diablo 3 Save Editor V2.0.0.9



    Full inventory Editor! Version For XBOX360 and PS3

    About Version

    Ok guys, the moment u all have been waiting for is finally here!

    I present to you one of my best tools i ever made.
    It does allot of good things, and will keep you bussy for atleast a few weeks.

    First i explain in short what it does...
    It allows you to add/delete or modify items from your inventory or stash.
    the way im doing it is in my opinion KickAss!

    It uses a resources.db to read all the item info, and images.
    u can download to latest version, or edit to your likings.
    The resources does contain some bad item ids tough...witch will result in a unknown item or item without image and info.
    You are free to find that bad ids, and fix it your self!:P

    After the resources.db we have the database.db...
    The database.db is importend, and it is used to add items to your save.
    u cannot add items without the database!
    for now the databse contains maybe 200 items in total...witch is not much...but dont be fooled!
    the database will update itself whenever you load a save with items that are known by the resources but not by the db.
    u may encounter some bad items that may cause your game to freeze...try to add items carefully!

    im not going to explain anything anymore...lol, its 3.45am here, and i worked quite some hours today...so im quite messed up atm ^_^"

    Try to enjoy what u have , and explore as much as you can! the tool has endless posibilities!
    Oh...and dont forget to post any bugs you may find..
    im pretty sure it has some bugs, but u guys wanted a quick release...so you have to do with this untill the next update!

    This tool can update itself whenever a new update is availible!

    Video Tutorial By cowboy713, Video Haven Animation By Cybersam

    ChangeLog V2.0.0.3
    #Added Ps3 Support!
    #Added Effect multiplier when adding them
    *Fixed known equipped Items
    *Changed Section "Ring" to "Ring1" and "Ring2"
    #Added Feature to load save directly from usb device
    *Fixed some bugs mentioned that would not allow you to load or save the file

    And much more awesome fixes!


    ChangeLog V2.0.0.5

    *Fixed Directory drag and drop
    *Fixed Image split, now shows full image on propertie section
    *Made the itemeffect count when checked, so you dont have to set the quantity each time.
    *Enabled inventory item viewing to List,LargeIcon, or Details.
    *Changed the "Move" feuture, you can now move your items everywhere!
    *Fixed some Memory Leaks
    *Changed Resources Structure Format, supported Resources.db is online!
    *Fixed some of the parsing code that would not allow you to load your character, or cause corruption
    *Allowed Threading for some more operations.
    *Updated Database Items and effects, Thanks to Succeed and Corrison
    #Added images for Unknown Items.
    #Added Save button inside the inventory GUI, it will allow you to quicksave.
    #Added Export Inventory
    #Added Import Inventory
    #Added Copy Items, Copy your items anywhere!
    #Added a Contextmenu + shortcut to the itemlist for asier management
    #Added a Database Combiner inside the Tools Section, it will alow you to update your current database using a secondory database
    #Added HardMode Cash, you can now switch between normal gold or hardmode
    #Added Paragon Level for Normal and HardMode
    #Added Effect Editor Inside the Database manager
    *Renamed Monik to Monk -.-

    ChangeLog V2.0.0.6

    *Fixed Save Encryption Thanks to Echelo!
    *Enabled name editing
    *Improved Item retrieval from resources, it will now regocnize unknown items faster, and adds them to the database
    *Updated Reources/Database from server.
    *Fixed preferences not showing
    *a few more bugfixes.

    ChangeLog V2.0.0.7

    *Removed Login! everone should be able to use it now.
    *Removed the need for bruteforce savedata, you should be able to load the ps3 directory directly.
    *A few minor fixes.

    ChangeLog V2.0.0.8

    Fixed PS3 Corruption, Param.PFD bottom hashes where not fixed properly...they should be now :)!

    ChangeLog V2.0.0.9

    Aditional Security Fix.
    removed Unused Code

    [HIDE-REPLY]Download Diablo 3 Inventory Editor

    Current Database.db (11/17/2013)

    Current Resources.db (11/17/2013)[/HIDE-REPLY]
    Last edited by Idlehands88; 02-09-2017 at 11:47 PM. Reason: Update

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  3. #2
    The Immortal God

    CloudStrife7x is offline
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    Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0

    nice work on this tool guys, hopefully others will find it useful :)
    Downloads : 157 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 24734 || Posts : 18,751 || Thanks : 4,451 || Thanked 3,096 Times in 2,607 Posts

  4. #3
    Haven Donator
    Easygoes is offline
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    Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0

    Pure Awesome
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  5. #4
    Bear Hugs

    revsix6 is offline
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    Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0

    Alright! Time to test this out and let us see what we get! Also great job for everyone that contribute to this.
    Downloads : 23 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 6814 || Posts : 1,934 || Thanks : 150 || Thanked 216 Times in 189 Posts

    I've given you knowledge and wisdom. Different places we come from, but open arms we accept.- My Mentor

  6. #5

    reapermech is offline
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    Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0

    works great Jappi a big thanks to you and Cybersam !!!!

  7. #6
    Haven Donator
    athan621 is offline
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    Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0

    Awesome job guys, may try this with an alt

  8. #7
    mgx456 is offline
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    Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0

    Thanks gus.

  9. #8
    ★ The Exiled One ★

    Idlehands88 is offline
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    Re: Diablo 3 Save Editor V1.0.0.0

    Great job guys. I did notice a spelling mistake. For the Character Class you spelt Monk as Monik :P
    Downloads : 71 || Uploads : 4 || Rep Power : 14573 || Posts : 4,709 || Thanks : 1,168 || Thanked 16,734 Times in 1,843 Posts



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