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Xbox 360 Final Fantasy XIII Ignored in Japan
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  1. #1
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    jkipp82 is offline
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    Xbox 360 Final Fantasy XIII Ignored in Japan

    Monster Hunter mania continues as Xbox 360 version of FFXIII fails to make it into the top 20.

    You'd think having a numbered entry in the Final Fantasy series would give the Xbox 360 a boost in Japan. But this didn't happen. Final Fantasy XIII's Xbox 360 version was released last week to Japan and failed to place in the top 20, meaning it sold less than 22,600 units (the sales figure for number 20). Xbox 360 hardware failed to see a boost even as other systems began to see the start of their annual year-end sales surges.

    The Xbox 360 version of FFXIII was released to Japan about a year after its PS3 counterpart. Square Enix gave it budget pricing and released it as an "international" version, with English voiceovers and the english theme song "My Hands." In terms of content, the game was given a new easy mode. For collectors, the game shipped with a booklet containing artwork, a look at unused event scenes, and a newly created after story.

    The biggest selling game for the week was once again Monster Hunter Freedom 3, which sold an additional 581,543 units, bringing its total above the 3 million mark. In Japan, MHF3 is the fastest selling PSP game ever, and looks like it could be on track to at least match its predecessor's 4 million plus sales.

    Other new debuts this week included Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3, whose PS3 version debuted in 2nd place, Inazuma Eleven 3 The Ogre in 3rd place and Shining Hearts in 6th. The Ogre is a third version of Inazuma Eleven 3 -- think of it as Pokemon Platinum to Pokemon Diamond & Pearl.

    Debuting outside of the top 10 were Castlevania Lords of Shadow on PS3 and Call of Duty Black Ops Dubbed Version, also on PS3. Castlevania was given a sizable push from Konami, with a localization handled by Kojima Productions, voice actors from the Metal Gear series, and a PS3 bundle that included a copy of Metal Gear Solid 4. The dubbed version of Black Ops was actually the second release for the game. The original November release was subtitled and topped the charts in its first week with 129,000 sales.
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  2. #2
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    Genesis is offline
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    The thing is ENIX (I think) released the 360 version to see what's going on HOWEVER the ps3 version is where the money came from.
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  3. #3
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    jkipp82 is offline
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    That may be true but since the merger of the two companies or takeover depending on how you look at it square enix has to accept the loss either way. Granted Final Fantasy XIII was a great game (not the best in the series) it was a total failure on the 360 in Japan but there are other aspects to look at the reasoning behind the failure.
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