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Soul Calibur IV Hack Request
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  1. #1

    grimace Soul Calibur IV Hack Request

    Does anyone know how this was done? Been looking around and i haven't been able to find anything other than these videos.

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    Re: Soul Calibur IV Hack Request

    lol, awesome. Guessing its either an ISO mod or hacked PC version. Either way I've never seen this before but might be worth checking around a few forums to see if it was a JTag modded version. Theres currently nothing like this on here but maybe one of the developer guys can figure something out for you.

    EDIT: Found this over on the gamespot forums, this guy claims he did it via gamesave modifying but wont tell exactly how. Never the less there are a bunch of Youtube links to the other mods done on the game (tiny characters etc...)
    The only other info I could find is that the mod came from some Japanese website on the net and apparently its a bitch to track down. I'll keep looking and see what I can find.




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