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[Release] WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T
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    Hacker-T is offline
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    WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    Going to expand this tool much better with Statistics,Universe,Created Finishers,Moveset,Entrance,Stables,Match Rules,Balancings,Story Mode
    and more like i did on my WWE'13 Savegame Editor.

    And as always hit the Thank You-/Like Button if you appreciate my work, thx anyways cuz you will click on "Like" anyway if you wanna login >:)
    Have Fun & Let me know if you got modding-requests for V1.6.

    NEW Editors
    -Superstars Editor: Superstars & Divas
    >1-8 Abbilities
    >Universe Brand
    >Exhibition Brand
    >Crowd Reaction
    >Hit Point Ratio
    -Unlockables Editor: Un/lock NPCS and Pre-Order DLCS
    -Leecher Protection - "Thanks"-Click check(Credits to PUR3RAF3X)
    -Allow Renatus-Users to login (Credits: Sephiroth)
    -Savegamefiletype check: Recognize CON,extracted or invalid savegamefiles
    -Superstars Editor: 
     >28 NPCS support
     >100 CAWS support
     >Pre-Order DLCS support (Credits for sharing savefiles: KingBizz)
     >Universe Brands: Added "None"
     >Added "Name", "Entrance Name", "Abbreviated Name" and "Social Account" to CAWS
     >Added "Min"-Button to attributes and hit point ratios
    -Added Menu:
     >Switch between any Savegame Editors
     >Update Button: Check for an update
     >Backup Button: Backup your savegame file
     >Restart/Exit Btton: Quickly restart or exit the Savegame Editor
     >Auto-Login: Enable or skip login
     >Auto-Backup: Auto-Backup your loaded savegamefile on startup
     >Update Notification: Auto-Update check on startup
     >Startup: Select the startup window
    -Fixed minor crash issues with divas & others
    -Fixed read "Featherweight"-Class
    -Fixed read universe brand: "Free Agent"
    -Fixed save Attribute values from "00" - "20"
    -Fixed save Hit Point Ratio values from "00" - 20"
    -Improved design of Login
    -"Check All" & "Uncheck All"-Button working now
    -Login protection fixed
    -Minor crash issues with CAWS fixed
    -Startup crashes fixed
    -Unlock/Lock NPCS fixed
    -Added "Entrance Editor"
    -Added "Gameplay Editor"
    -Unlockables Editor: Added "Unlockables"
    -Unlockables Editor: Added "Mankind(NPC)"
    -Superstars Editor->NPCS: Added "Mankind(NPC)"
    -Superstars Editor->DLCS: Added "NWO Pack"-DlcPack
    -Superstars Editor->DLCS: Added "Legends"-DlcPack
    -Superstars Editor->DLCS: Added "Superstars"-DlcPack
    -Supersars Editor->Attributes: Added ""Default""-Button
    -Supersars Editor->Hit Point Ratio: Added ""Default""-Button
    -Menu: Added "Restore"-button
    -Menu: Added "Keep windows on top"-option
    -Superstars Editor: Fixed CAWS Slots
    -Superstars Editor: Fixed wrong overall calculation
    -Superstars Editor: : Minor design improvements
    -Superstars Editor: New effects
    -Unlockables Editor: Minor design improvements
    -Menu: Minor design improvements
    -StartUp: Fixed freeze crashes
    -Superstars Editor->CAWS: Fixed CAWS Slots: 33,43,53,63,73,83,93
    -Unlockables Editor->NPCS: Fixed "Check All"-Button.
    -Added "Universe Editor": Manage your universe calendar, titles, rivalries & rosters
    -Added "Stables Editor": Manage your exhibition & universe stables
    -Added "Titles-Editor": Manage your exhibition & universe title champions
    -Added "Multi Infos Importer": Copy & Import or customized "Movesets,Entrances,Attributes,HitPointRatios,Abbilities,Weightclasses,Genders & Crowd Reaction" to anyone
    -Added "Updater": View details (Version, Size, Changelog) before downloading the new update & 
    view download progress while downloading the new update
    -Unlockables Editor->NPCS: Added Summer Rae (Credits: TheLaughingClown) 
    -Entrances Editor->Added "Stable Entrances": Edit your tag/trio stable entrances
    -Entrances Editor->"Single Entrances"->Easy Motion: Added tag team and trio motions
    -Entrances Editor->"Single Entrances"->Champion Motion: Added tag team and trio motions
    -Entrances Editor->Added "Name"-field: Reads & displays the name of the selected superstar (Useful for CAWS)
    -Editors Menu->"Auto Backup": Now creating backup on activation and not after the next startup
    -Login: Fixed wrong "Strike"-display
    -Editors Menu->"Create Backup": Fixed minor bugs
    -Editors Menu->"Startup": Fixed minor bugs
    -Superstars Editor->Superstars->"Darren Young": Fixed wrong reading & saving issues
    which caused a crash durring the saving process
    -Superstars Editor->DLCS->"Scott Hall": Fixed wrong reading & saving issues
    -Unlockables Editor->Mankind: Fixed wrong reading & saving issues
    -Unlockables Editor: Various design improvements
    -Unlockables Editor->"Lock"-Button: Corrected wrong message after clicking it
    -Entrances Editor: Various design improvements
    -Entrances Editor: Improved not existing CAWS detection
    -Entrances Editor: Fixed  "The Bombshell" wrong reading & saving in "Easy"- & "Champion"-motion
    -Entrances Editor: Fixed  "The Ballin' Superstar" wrong reading in "Easy"- & "Champion"-motion
    -Entrances Editor: Fixed  "AJ Lee" wrong reading in "Advanced"-motion
    -Gameplay Editor: Corrected wrong infos
    -Updater: Various bug & crash fixes
    -Updater: Added Backup Server (Incase Server1 is down it'll start downloading the update over Server2)
    -Superstars Editor->NPCS: Added "Summer Rae"
    -Stables Editor: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Universe Editor: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Universe Editor->Calendar: Added "Show-Type"
    -TitlesEditor: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Multiple Infos Copier & Importer: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Unlockables Editor->Unlockables: Added "Check/Uncheck"-Button
    -Savefile Browser: Added "Auto-LoadUp"-Option: loadsup your current save at future usages
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Movie: Added 1x Hidden Movie
    -Entrances Editor->Stable Entrances->Movie: Added 1x Hidden Movie
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Easy Motion: Added 48x Hidden Motions from Svr2011 - WWE2k14 WM-Mode motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Champion Motion: Added all "Tag"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Champion Motion: Added all "Trio"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Champion Motion: Added 48x Hidden Motions from Svr2011 - WWE2k14 WM-Mode motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Multi-Title Champion Motion: Added all "Easy"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Multi-Title Champion Motion: Added all "Champion"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Multi-Title Champion Motion: Added all "Tag"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Multi-Title Champion Motion: Added all "Trio"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->Multi-Title Champion Motion: Added 48x Hidden Motions from Svr2011 - WWE2k14 WM-Mode motions
    -Entrances Editor->Stable Entrances->Tag->Motion: Added all "Easy"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Stable Entrances->Tag->Motion: Added all "Champion"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Stable Entrances->Tag->Motion: Added 48x Hidden Motions from Svr2011 - WWE2k14 WM-Mode motions
    -Entrances Editor->Stable Entrances->Trio->Motion: Added all "Easy"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Stable Entrances->Trio->Motion: Added all "Champion"-motions
    -Entrances Editor->Stable Entrances->Trio->Motion: Added 48x Hidden Motions from Svr2011 - WWE2k14 WM-Mode motions
    -Entrances Editor->Single Entrances->NPCS: Added "Summer Rae"
    -Entrances Editor->Both->Easy Motion: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Entrances Editor->Both->Champion Motion: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Entrances Editor->Both->Multi-Title Champion Motion: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Entrances Editor->Both->Movie: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Entrances Editor->Both->Music: Added "Summer Rae [NPC]"
    -Entrances Editor->CAWS: Fixed "Save"-Button for CAWS
    -Entrances Editor: Fixed saving issues with DLCS
    -Unlockables Editor->Read & Save: Corrected wrong error messages
    -Unlockables Editor->Warning Message: Fixed wrong pop up of the warning message
    -Unlockables Editor->Warning Message: Added More Infos
    -Unlockables Editor->Summer Rae->Unlock: Fixed wrong saving issue
    -Unlockables Editor->Summer Rae->Lock: Fixed wrong saving issue
    -Universe Editor->Calendar: Minor design improvement
    -Universe Editor->Calendar: Fixed "WWE Internet Championship" reading & saving issues.
    -Universe Editor: Minor improvements
    -Stables Editor->Stable Members: Fixed saving issues with DLCS
    -Stables Editor->Stable Members: Fixed saving issues with NPCS
    -Stables Editor-> Fixed minor crashing issue
    -Loading Screen: Re-designed
    -Multiple Infos Copier & Importer->Copy Infos from Savefile: Fixed not working DLCS & NPCS Superstars
    -Multiple Infos Copier & Importer->Copy Infos from Savefile->Moveset: Fixed wrong reading & copying of infos
    -"AutoBackUp": Now supporting multi-backups (Does not overwrite already existing backup files)
    -Universe Editor->Statistics Editor: Added "Historical" & "Championship"-Statistics Editor
    -Universe Editor->Misc: Added "Money In The Bank" & "Royal Rumble" Winners
    -Title Editor: Added "Championship Information"-Editor
    -Title Editor->Title Holder: Added "Custom Championship 01" - "Custom Championship 40"
    -Multiple Infos Copier & Importer->Copy->Entrances: Fixed wrong reading & writing infos
    -Multiple Infos Copier & Importer->Copy: Fixed crash issues
    -Auto LoadUp: Fixed minor crash issues
    -Entrance Editor->Stable Entrances->Tag->Universe: Fixed saving crash issues
    -Universe Editor->Calendar->Arena: Removed wrong item "None (Hidden)"
    -Universe Editor: Fixed saving issues with CAWS
    -Title Editor: Fixed saving issues with CAWS
    -Stable Editor: Fixed saving issues with CAWS
    -Superstars Editor->NPCS->Jerry Lawler: Fixed wrong reading
    -Match Rules Editor: Mod any Match-Type-Rules
    -Savefile Injectors: Inject "Custom Championships" from any savefile to your current savefile
    -Superstars Editor->Height: Added "Height" for Superstars, Divas, DLCs & NPCs
    -Superstars Editor->Brands: Added "Custom Brand 1", "Custom Brand 2", "Custom Brand 3", "Custom Brand 4", "Custom Brand 5", "Custom Brand 6" & "Inactive"
    -Multiple Infos Copier & Importer->Copy Custom Infos->Brands: Added "Custom Brand 1", "Custom Brand 2", "Custom Brand 3", "Custom Brand 4", "Custom Brand 5", "Custom Brand 6" & "Inactive"
    -Entrances Editor->Easy & Stable Motions: Added 12x new "Hidden Motions" (Credits: "WordUp")
    -Title Editor: Fixed minor bugs
    -Save: Fixed minor bugs
    -Auto LoadUp: Fixed double startups if saved savefile was invalid
    -Update: Fixed double startups if new update was available
    1.)Open Horizon
    2.)Drag and drop your WWE2K14 Savegame file
    3.)Switch to "Contents"-Tab
    4.)Right click on "SaveData.Dat"
    5.)Select "Extract ..."
    6.)Save it somewhere
    8.)If you are done modding, go back Horizon and repeat step 1-4
    9.)Select "Replace..."
    10.)Select the modded savefile
    11.)Click on "Save, Rehash, and Resign"
    12.)Click on "Save to Device"

    PS:You can try other tools too.

    You can also thank my 6 assists - Credits To:
    -Jappi88 = Checksumfix & De/Compression
    -Sephiroth = 360 Haven Login & helping me out on other stuffs
    -Feudalnate = PackageIO.dll
    -KingBizz = Sharing DLC Savefiles
    -TheLaughingClown = "Summer Rae (NPC)"
    -WordUp= "Hidden Motion 49" - "Hidden Motion 60"


    Download: Look at my attachment below! ("Like"-Click required to see Download!)

    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?b7dvifaw8lg6dal

    -- admin edit --
    Mirror link by FuzzBallDog https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq8aqzigpq...ker-T.rar?dl=0
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 09-17-2018 at 12:07 AM.
    Downloads : 41 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 6117 || Posts : 736 || Thanks : 653 || Thanked 3,562 Times in 269 Posts

    WWE'13 Savegame Editor V1.8 by Hacker-T =) *CLICK HERE*
    WWE'13 - All DLC Packs *CLICK HERE*


  2. The Following 1,779 Users Say Thank You to Hacker-T For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2

    Re: WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    Thanks Buddy... Hope it works!

  4. #3
    Senior Member
    FuzzBallDog is offline
    Join Date : Dec 2012
    Posts : 411

    Re: WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    logged on just in time i see. was going to hex edit some in game divas to males so theyll hopefully show up in defend the streak mode to make it easier but ill wait 5-10 minutes instead.

    thanks my good man.

  5. #4


    Hacker-T is offline
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    Re: WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzBallDog View Post
    logged on just in time i see. was going to hex edit some in game divas to males so theyll hopefully show up in defend the streak mode to make it easier but ill wait 5-10 minutes instead.

    thanks my good man.
    Glad you talked about the divas, 've forgotten to add the savebutton to the divas lol - already fixed - reuploading now :/
    Downloads : 41 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 6117 || Posts : 736 || Thanks : 653 || Thanked 3,562 Times in 269 Posts

    WWE'13 Savegame Editor V1.8 by Hacker-T =) *CLICK HERE*
    WWE'13 - All DLC Packs *CLICK HERE*


  6. #5
    Junior Member
    xmarleyx is offline
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    Re: WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    thank you!!! very good job!

  7. #6


    Hacker-T is offline
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    Re: WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    Alright - Upload done - Enjoy modding 2K14!
    Let me know if there are any bugs.

    Going to add more like NPCS,CAWS,Unlockables,Max/Min Buttons,Reset Attributes/HPR Values Button andalso functions/settings such as auto login/backup/updater/rehash&resigner/CON File extractor and so on at my next update!
    Please click the thx button if you enjoyed, thx!

    Bye Bye WM Streak Mode Online Leaderboard :(
    Downloads : 41 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 6117 || Posts : 736 || Thanks : 653 || Thanked 3,562 Times in 269 Posts

    WWE'13 Savegame Editor V1.8 by Hacker-T =) *CLICK HERE*
    WWE'13 - All DLC Packs *CLICK HERE*


  8. #7
    Senior Member
    FuzzBallDog is offline
    Join Date : Dec 2012
    Posts : 411

    Re: WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker-T View Post
    Glad you talked about the divas, 've forgotten to add the savebutton to the divas lol - already fixed - reuploading now :/
    lol nobody loves the divas

    that said your program doesnt even load for me. task manager doesnt even show it pop up.

  9. #8


    Hacker-T is offline
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    Re: WWE2K14 Savegame Editor By Hacker-T

    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzBallDog View Post
    lol nobody loves the divas

    that said your program doesnt even load for me. task manager doesnt even show it pop up.
    Sry to hear that, working fine on my comp :S

    Not starting at all or what happens?
    Hmm are you using .Net Framework 4.0 and what system - 8/7/Vista/Xp???
    Did my last WWE'13 Savegame Editor work on this comp ur sitting in front off right now?

    btw:I am using a Win7 64bit...

    Anyone else having the same problem?
    Downloads : 41 || Uploads : 0 || Rep Power : 6117 || Posts : 736 || Thanks : 653 || Thanked 3,562 Times in 269 Posts

    WWE'13 Savegame Editor V1.8 by Hacker-T =) *CLICK HERE*
    WWE'13 - All DLC Packs *CLICK HERE*




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