Jormungandr.rar i hope somebody can , waited so long :(:(:(
Jormungandr.rar i hope somebody can , waited so long :(:(:(
Ok can you please tell me the bugs so I better assist you?
•When loading a Save File, Battle Trophies are reset to 0. It doesn't read your currently obtained Battle Trophies. If someone wants to obtain Battle Trophies on their own, this bug will cause problems.
•When loading a Save File, Special Arts/Skills of characters are reset to 0.
•When loading a Save File, you can only edit the Special Arts/Skills of Edge, all the other character pages either have it not available, or show Edge's skills only. This is basically a follow-up on the previously mentioned bug, and this will result in players having characters with no Special Arts/Skills due to being unable to Edit them.
•Items get wiped, and only the ones you select are available after Saving the modified file , for more info check this
and thanks Genesis for the invite , Great new side
Huh when i used the Editor everything worked find for me :S
Or maybe i used this one
try that =]
Last edited by x Revenge Inc x; 12-27-2010 at 08:38 PM.
Flying Is Simple, You Just Throw Yourself At The Ground, Then Miss.
hmm Ill take alook into it but Ill have to re-code everything and that editor is one of the best.
ohhh yeah.....thats right genesis its an better better with this lol i hope he does something nice on this one i have been waiting months for the update good luck Gen
Great news Genesis , i know you can fix this , THANKS