Just watched the trailer during microsoft key note speech. Its an on rails shooter. OMG it ruins the series thanks to kinect.
A Fable shooter? wtf?
One of my favourite series rapidly going down the pan. Oh well........
Remember that dragon quest game that was on rails for the wii. Its the same thing you use your hands to cast magic on the beasts. I hope it bombs it is the most recent piece of crap I have ever seen. Now I am reminded why I made the switch to the ps3.
Anybody remember Link's Crossbow Training? That's what's happening here; a grand fantasy world of 3D adventure through vast worlds, now shooting game stuck on rails and void of all the things that make the series as a whole appealing (in Fable's case, direct results from the player's actions, as well as a sense of freedom of action and of exploration of a huge world).
Originally Posted by SaiyanPrince302, commenting on how to become a Super Saiyan,
For me Fable died after Fable (1). Fable 2 was OK, and Fable 3 i played just to check it out, never completed it :\
Judging from the demo that showed on E3, we can't explore the maps.
Its just disappointing Microsoft's E3 conference, and Sesame Street ?? WTF lol
yeah the trailer made it look singular instead of open world, but maybe there are too modes one with the kinect and the other with a controller, i know just wishfull thinking, oh well