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Fruit Ninja Kinect preview: Chop 'til you stop
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  1. #1
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    jkipp82 is offline
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    Fruit Ninja Kinect preview: Chop 'til you stop

    Name:  fnkscreen1_530x298.jpg
Views: 1016
Size:  60.6 KB
    Rather than simply recounting my experience with Fruit Ninja Kinect -- part of the upcoming Summer of Arcade -- why don't we turn this preview into an interactive experience?
    Please play along at home.

    First, flatten your hands into the standard "Karate chop" shape. Curl your arms at the elbows so that your fingers are now pointed forward. For a more visceral experience, set a piece of fruit -- a banana, perhaps -- on a surface in front of you. Use a cutting board if it helps complete the illusion. Alternately, if you're in the position to give a friend or significant other a sensual massage, have them lie down in front of you.

    Now, when you (and your partner, if applicable) are ready, start chopping your hands up and down like a maniac.
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  2. #2

    Re: Fruit Ninja Kinect preview: Chop 'til you stop

    looks mint carnt wait



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