ide like to see an editor like the other CoD games have.
ide like to see an editor like the other CoD games have.
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I thought I posted in here before maybe someone deleted my post anyway there are editors out just in other AIOS.Best bet is to wait until someone makes a editor that's for free.
you can do gpd mods. but they only work offline though.
i want it for offline & non-jtag.
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Request Granted :)
Hacked GPD
Mission 3, USDD
Don't press down until you have received the crossbow, otherwise you won't be able to complete the mission.
I will release another one without wall hack, and give all or i will add the dvar to take your guns.
Few comments saying don't press because you can't detonate
Make sure you delete the title update.
Left shoulder/bumper - Godmode, ulim ammo and sprint, increased melee range
If you keep hold of fire, and keep pressing the left trigger this will use the aimbot.
Right shoulder/bumper - no clip
Dpad up - Changes game speed, slo mo, normal and 2x
Dpad down - Cartoon mode and give all guns
Also here's a tut on how to use the app called Xero this is for editing the GPD files
All you got to do is open up your profile in this editor.It edits the GPD file.
Also I just remembered that this game already had hacks out for it I forgot for a sec lol.
thx for posting it. will it also work on the zombie game?
i tried it and i have no idea what im doing. the person in the video went too fast.
Last edited by BrayWyatt; 12-25-2010 at 12:07 AM.
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i didnt understand it either :( he went to fast for it
lol yea ill try to find a better tut but there all over S7:)