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Nintendo talks Wii U online
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    Nintendo talks Wii U online

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    Charlie Scibetta, Corporate Communications at Nintendo has briefly spoken about what we should expect with regards to online functionality with the recently announced Wii U. Scibetta indicated that online functionality for Nintendo’s next console will be extremely flexible to suit every developer, but wouldn’t go into too much detail about how Nintendo plan to implement this.

    “Online gaming is very important to us, and we’ve heard the demands, really, of the veteran gamers that want that. So, we’re going to be more flexible with gaming this time when it comes to online, we’re going to work with our third party partners. We’re not going to have a centralised ‘one-size-fits-all’ type of online gaming approach, it is going to be more the publishers figuring out what they want to do and then we’ll try to bring that to life and make sure our platform can support that vision. “

    - Charlie Scibetta, Corporate Communications, Nintendo

  2. #2

    Re: Nintendo talks Wii U online

    First things first, if Nintendo has any hopes of competing with Microsoft (as I've stated somewhere in previous post), they have to reconfigure their online.
    That having been said, Nintendo needs to outline a good flexible model that isn't strict at all and uses security features like 360 that the gamer chooses what information to share and who to share it with; Then they need to implement it. What I take from this article is that they are almost saying "Hey developers here's the server and you put the online capabilities in your game, we wan't nothing to do with this". I am being seriously sarcastic of course. But Nintendo has obviously tried and failed with online, they chop it up to no one wants it, but they can no longer ignore that people want it and theirs is terrible. I look forward to a complete overhaul.



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