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Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor
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  1. #1

    Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    Truth be told, this is actually for the japanese version of the game but I tried it out on the English one and it worked just fine.

    Credit goes to Chaos23 and I had absolutely nothing to do with this editor personally. I'm just uploading it here since I didn't see it anywhere else.

    Agarest Zero.zip

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  3. #2

    Re: Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    I wasabout to say the same thing. The only difference between the versions really is that Japanese texts is translated

    EDIT: well the editor seems to mess up other's stats aside from Sighart's

  4. #3

    Re: Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    Yeah, I noticed that too. Fortunately, the game has no real protection on it so going in and making adjustments via hex editor is fairly easy.

  5. #4

    Re: Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    i couldnt figure out the hex editor. i opened the save files in it and the most i found were the names of the first game's characters

  6. #5

    Re: Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    Yeah, those give you a general indication of where their stats and such are. Scroll down a little bit and you should see some numbers. Those are the stats but they're in hex so you'll have to use a calculator to convert them(could do it the hard way too, but why waste good technology?).

    I generally jot down the number I'm looking for. Let's say, Sieghart's HP which we'll say is 1037. Converting that to hex gives you 40D. All you'd have to do is look for that a little ways below where his name is and you can change it from there. One thing to note before you do that though is whatever number you decide, it has to be in hex as well, so if you were going for 999,999 you'd want to put in F423F. Another thing to remember is to not go past where 40D stops.

    To make that a bit more understandable, I mean this: basically:

    00 00 04 0D 00 00

    ^This is to represent Sieghart's HP. What you want to do is Type in the change like so:

    00 0F 42 3F 00 00

    Only other thing to note for HP and AP is that there's 3 spots for each character. Rewrite all of them like the example I'm giving and it should work fine. I highly recommend unequipping anything that raises your AP or your HP because you're just asking for a headache since the one of the numbers will change.

    Stats and attributes are pretty straightforward and only need one part modified.

  7. #6

    Re: Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    Quote Originally Posted by Reider View Post
    Yeah, those give you a general indication of where their stats and such are. Scroll down a little bit and you should see some numbers. Those are the stats but they're in hex so you'll have to use a calculator to convert them(could do it the hard way too, but why waste good technology?).

    I generally jot down the number I'm looking for. Let's say, Sieghart's HP which we'll say is 1037. Converting that to hex gives you 40D. All you'd have to do is look for that a little ways below where his name is and you can change it from there. One thing to note before you do that though is whatever number you decide, it has to be in hex as well, so if you were going for 999,999 you'd want to put in F423F. Another thing to remember is to not go past where 40D stops.

    To make that a bit more understandable, I mean this: basically:

    00 00 04 0D 00 00

    ^This is to represent Sieghart's HP. What you want to do is Type in the change like so:

    00 0F 42 3F 00 00

    Only other thing to note for HP and AP is that there's 3 spots for each character. Rewrite all of them like the example I'm giving and it should work fine. I highly recommend unequipping anything that raises your AP or your HP because you're just asking for a headache since the one of the numbers will change.

    Stats and attributes are pretty straightforward and only need one part modified.
    no no. i know all that. just tht the only nmes I found in the hex editor were Record of Agarest War(the origional) characters. is there something different about my save of what?

    EDIT: nevermind, i found them. for some reason I am also finding Dyshana, Alberti, Winfeld, etc XD

    i am sure there is also a way to hex edit affection levels as well

    some of these people just hate about everything you do in this game XD

  8. #7

    Re: Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    i used the editor to edit my pp but it would always mess up other characters AP so i used HxD to edit the PP. I dont know if its the same for everyone but i found it at offset 000836e0. hope this helps others trying to do the same

  9. #8
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    Re: Record of Agarest War Zero Save Editor

    Just started this myself. Very impressed with how they fixed most of the originals bugs (load times especially!)

    Definitely hoping someone makes a full blown editor for this one. But i'm more then happy with doing basic hex stuff myself until that happens n_n
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