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Duke Nukem - Item My digs unlock
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  1. #1

    Fake smile Duke Nukem - Item My digs unlock

    Hi ,

    In Duke Nukem Forever, there is this place called "My Digs" which is basically your mansion and holds all the trophies you've unlocked. Some of them are interactive like the pinball machine and the pool table and oh yeah the babes you've unlocked will hang out there as well. The problem is the only way to unlock all this stuff is by playing hours and hours of multiplayer, which I don't have much interest in. If anyone could help me out with a cheat or savegame to unlock this stuff, I would be grateful.

    To be clear, I'm not trying to cheat in multiplayer. These unlocks in the mansion have no effect on multiplayer games and do not give you any edge against other players whatsoever.

    thanks a loooot for this !

  2. #2

    Re: Duke Nukem - Item My digs unlock

    bumping up =P

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    lickerout is offline
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    Re: Duke Nukem - Item My digs unlock

    i believe it's not in the save but in the your profile so youd need to mod your gpd in your profile which would get noticed.

  4. #4

    Re: Duke Nukem - Item My digs unlock

    ho thanks !

    but...how to do that :o



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