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Wii U controller will have built in web browser
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    Wii U controller will have built in web browser

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    Legendary games developer Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed to Kotaku that the Wii U controller will feature an built-in web browser. Apparently Miyamoto considers this addition to the Wii U tablet controller the biggest design accomplishment Nintendo has managed for the new console. Do you imagine that you will use the Wii U tablet controller to browse the web when you’re not gaming?

    “You have a screen available at any time that you can check,” he explained. “This dedicated second screen, and the way people may use it, not just for gaming, but to do things like browse the Internet, is the Wii U’s single, biggest design accomplishment.

    “When you look at most TVs in home nowadays it takes awhile for them to turn on. That becomes a barrier for people.”

  2. #2
    The Immortal God

    CloudStrife7x is offline
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    Re: Wii U controller will have built in web browser

    that will be neat but not sure how many people will use it since there is already so many other way to browse the internet nowadays
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  3. #3

    Re: Wii U controller will have built in web browser

    Ya know, amazingly enough. Nintendo won't put video playback on a system, because there's enough video players in the home. Strangley enough, though with the new phones out today and computers in general, most people have many ways to access the internet. Odd that they would find this a necessity but not video playback (but as noted in a different thread, they just don't want to pay out the extra money to do so and have been hiding it under the previous guise for years), I think they are just trying to find as many reasons for this screen as possible to justify it's existance.



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