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ps3 jailbreak help needed.
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  1. #1
    Program Engineer

    Jappi88 is offline
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    ps3 jailbreak help needed.

    hi guys, i'm sorry to post something about the ps3 on this forum, but i need some help.
    i got resiliently a ps3 from christmas, its a ps3 fat 60 gb, it has a 2.17 firmware, but i updated it to 3.41. i have a htc hd2 phone and i used it to jailbraik my ps3, i installed multiman for my games, now i have downloaded heavy rain and transfered it to my hdd on my ps3, every time i go to multiman to try to boot this game i got send back to main menu...

    so my question is, how can i play games on a fat ps3 jailbroken???what do i need to make it work?

    thanks in advance.

    again sorry for posting it here.

  2. #2
    Xbox God

    Genesis is offline
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    Today Jamal94 from PSX-Scene.com (linked above) has found out that once you backup your original PS3 game via the PS JailBreak Backup Manager to a USB HDD, transfer the game to your PC, and burn it onto a normal DVD-R disc (if the game is small enough) you can then insert it back into your JailBroken PS3 and play it! To quote:

    Read more: http://webcache.googleusercontent.co...#ixzz12AxvJho4

    1) JailBroken PS3 with Backup Manager, running v3.41 firmware!
    2) Any Original Game Disc or Any JailBroken game files
    3) Nero or any similar program on your PC
    4) USB HDD

    If you have your JailBroken game files skip to step 4

    Step 1: Launch Backup Manager and Backup the original disc to the Ext. HDD

    Step 2: Plug the Usb HDD to the pc and Browse to "X:/GAMEZ/[title_id] Ex. "G:/GAMEZ/BLES00188"

    Step 3: Copy the contents of the [TITLE_ID] DIRECTORY to New folder on your desktop

    * Contents of [title_id] a)PS3_DISC.sfb B) PS3_UPDATE C)PS3_GAME

    Step 4: Burn the Contents of the jailbroken game to any type of disc

    * Contents of [title_id] a)PS3_DISC.sfb B) PS3_UPDATE C)PS3_GAME

    Step 5: Insert the Disc in the Jailbroken PS3

    Step 6: Launch Backup Manager and load the Disk

    * Note: The disc icon will not appear

    Now it should launch and you can update and play without any problems!


    1) You can use Internal Hdd and copy the files using PS3 FTP Homebrew.

    2) It only can read the JailBroken games that was ripped from discs using backup manager. It can't read a game that was not backed up by backup manager.

    3) If the backup manager could not read the disc, then try launching the backup manager first, then insert the disc. If this still doesn't work, insert the disc while you are at the XMB and wait until the PS3 reads it as a data disc, then launch backup manager.

    4) It has been confirmed by MRelectro713 that it works with updates and saves with no problems.

    Finally, according to Rmoroz Dvd+r dl also works. For games between 4gb and 8.5Gb in size you can use the same media you use with XBOX 360 games. DVD+R DL seems to work, tested with two games:

    Assassins Creed 2 (works on intenal and external) - worked on DVD+R DL

    Assassins Creed 1 (didn't work form internal or external) - seemed to start and play for 2 minutes on DVD+R DL... perhaps a work around for those wanting to copy games that dont seem to work from hdd.

    This is what I use step by step to get burnt games to play. You need:

    1) Jailbroken PS3 system
    2) Backupmanager 1.0 installed (havent tested on 1.1 but assume it works since nothing major has changed)
    3) USB External Had Drive
    4) Imgburn (source below)
    5) Original PS3 game

    It is very simple once you have everything above.

    1) Jailbreak your Ps3 with normal methods (I use the TI-84 Calculator)
    2) Go to backup manager and backup your original PS3 game to your external hard drive (I have yet to test from internal and FTP method)
    3) Unhook the External Hard drive form PS3 and hook it up to your windows based PC (i use 64 bit windows 7)
    4) Find the game you copied in the "GAMEZ" FOLDER (It will not be labeled with the game name, it will be BLUSxxxx you can find your BLUS game number on the cover of your original game or side of it. Then copy it to an easy to locate place on your Hard Drive, I use my Desktop
    5) Once the files have been copied, open IMGBURN
    6) Select the "Write Files/Folders to Disc" (Leave all settings as default)
    7) Open your BLUS folder, there should be 2 folders and 1 file inside, drag and drop the 2 folders and the 1 file into Imgburn
    8) Insert your media of choice that will hold the size of yoru game
    9) Burn at 1x speed (I know its slow but quality of quantity ALWAYS)

    After the burn is done:

    1) Turn on your jailbroken Ps3 again, insert the game at the XMB menu (will show as a data disc)
    2) Go into the backup manager
    3) The game should show up (for dvd-r and dvd+r DL it showed up as BLUSxxxx but for bluray it showed the game title and picture like normal for me) Don't backup just press load, and away you go.

    Download ImgBurn from: http://imgburn.com/index.php?act=download

    ImgBurn will autoconfigure everything for you, download it and install. Leave all settings default. When you insert your disc (DVD-R, DL or BD-R) Imgburn picks the best settings for you when with the size and media type you have. All I have done is what is listed above and pressed burn, works for me.

    Read more: http://webcache.googleusercontent.co...#ixzz12AxV8ZnP
    Now this was taken from PS3News,And were a 360 site and it's hard to get help for the ps3 when the site don't have members that work in the ps3 lol.
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  4. #3
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    I stopped messing with my ps3 about 3 months ago maybe 2. Ever since they came out with so many managers it was hard to keep up with everything.. I do plan on getting back in to the ps3 hacks and stuff. Once I do i'll keep u in mind.

  5. #4
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    jkipp82 is offline
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    i would wait another six months when things settle down and there is at least just one or two ways of doing it. cuz right now its confusing and no one dongle thing isnt the best right now.
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  6. #5
    JTAG/ RGH Pro

    Magnus Hydra is offline
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    yeah, once custom firmware comes out then I will be all over it again. Far as the dongle goes, I got the Minimus AVR USB not the 32kb one. IF you going to get one it best to get one with more memory. As I keep telling people I would wait until costume firmware.

  7. #6
    Program Engineer

    Jappi88 is offline
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    thanks for the response guys, i must say the xbox 360 jtag is much more advanced and much better, but the ps3 does have some games that i wanna try, so i used my htc hd2 phone to jailbreak and it worked, but still a cannot play a game from external or internal hdd.this is al so confuzing, i've been bussy on the 360 for 3 years and know allot about it, but the ps3 is one big quistion for me.

    Edit. i got it working :D did some updating on my htc hd2 device and now it works.

    thread can be closed :)
    Last edited by Jappi88; 12-28-2010 at 11:04 AM.

  8. #7
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    Abd-L-Azeez is offline
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    try installing open Manager it is match better .. here is the link for the new version


    and you do know how to run jailbreak right ?

    i mean by turn the ps3 and quickly pressing the Eject button

    tell me how it gos



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