An interesting tidbit of information has been gleamed from the latest issue of EGM, in which Cliff Blezinski instructs readers to stay tuned for an important announcement during the 2011 Game Developer Conference festivities. Blezinski states that the announcement will be related to a new IP, and noted that Prototype lead designer Eric Holmes is associated with the project. Blezinski is credited as conceiving the idea, but notes that since the initial stages Holmes has taken over the helm.
"Gamers votes with their dollars and they often like established IP, but those IPs came from somewhere, right?" Blezinski told EGM. "Call of Duty was crafted by the original Medal of Honor guys. Gears of War was crafted by the original Unreal Tournament guy. I look forward to creating what's next."
The project is clearly listed as a new IP, and as such it's difficult to muse as to the nature of the game. That being said, feel free to do so regardless! What sort of game would you like to see spawn from Epic HQ?