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How Can You Be So Cruel???
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  1. #1

    Fire How Can You Be So Cruel???

    I did just join this site a week ago, but it has peeked my interest and I am trying to become an active contributing member. It has recently come to my attention in the shoutbox, that I am being considered a "Spammer". I mean I thought the point of a forum was to voice your opinion and or give advice.

    Here's my day yesterday (and probably will be today too, lol), I was off from work and had absolutely nothing on the agenda. I spent the entire day on this site yesterday 3/4 in the forums and 1/4 in the arcade. I probably viewed the title of almost every thread in almost every category. I opened and read all the threads that caught my eye and if I felt I had something to add or a question to ask, then I did. And yes, I open more than one thread at once; My internet speed is slow, so I read a thread and by the time I'm done another thread has loaded, and I move on to the next. And it's not like they are meaningless few word replies like a nasty spammer would do.

    Seriously, I look up to all the people who are on here (such as the people who made these comments), for the wealth of knowledge and experience. Shouldn't replying to people's welcoming posts be considered spam, unless there is a specific person who should be the one to reply. I just don't understand how I am considered to be abusing the forums, when I am using them as they are intended.

    If everyone still thinks I'm a useless spammer, then please by all means reply and let me know. I will be more than happy to fade into obscurity, leaving this site behind.

  2. #2

    reapermech is offline
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    Re: How Can You Be So Cruel???

    just let them call you a spammer and move on just be careful posting too much since boosting post count up is frowned upon here.
    just have fun and post on the topics that really spark your interest

  3. #3
    Haven Donator

    Insane JIC is offline
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    Re: How Can You Be So Cruel???

    I wonder what they think of us?
    Downloads : 61 || Uploads : 6 || Rep Power : 6123 || Posts : 1,042 || Thanks : 121 || Thanked 124 Times in 93 Posts

    Think about it! we consume, we reproduce, we spread, we infect, We're the real rats.

  4. #4

    Re: How Can You Be So Cruel???

    Does it even matter?

    Honestly, getting this worked up over something some guy on the internet says is stupid.

  5. #5

    Re: How Can You Be So Cruel???

    From the second I signed up, I have been very aware of the strict spamming rules. And I do not think using the forums as I assumed intended is not boosting post count or spamming. Ya know, none of this would be a problem if it wasn't for all this stat tracking. Forums used to be just forums and I guess some people wear the stats like a badge and abuse posting. I guess I'm just a little worked up because an admin and moderator was involved in the conversation. I really DO like this site and I don't want to get kicked off for being active and bored, lol. I'll just do what I do and hopefully, if there's a problem I'll get a warning, that I can dispute, first.



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