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Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)
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  1. #1

    Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    Yes I am still around and have come up with a new hack. I think the last Tutorial I made was Farcry 2 which I think was a huge step for that game.

    Note: I cannot get this to work anymore and there has not been an update in game so not sure why it is not working for me now but try it anyway if you want. At one point it was consistent I only changed the value the once but when I searched for a new value later it was still in a similar spot.

    Way 1 - Less steps but a bit more complicated for novices

    Programs Needed:
    Hex Editor(any should do)
    Base Converter(ability to convert to Floating hex)

    1. Ensure that you obtain your Contentdata.bin and put it on your desktop or in a special place so you don't lose it. (make sure you make a backup).

    2. Open it with your favorite hex editor. Now search for your credits in Raw Hex(Motorola works to), Floating(32) in Base Converter. I do believe that program is on this site. My credits were 19811 so I search for 469AC600(without the spaces of course). I also noticed that 8000 normally follows your credits as well so this can help if you somehow have more than 1 value.

    3. My location was 0xD112 but a second time I also got 0x10112 as well. So not sure what the difference is.

    4. Change it to 49742400 so you get 1 million credits or if you want 4B189680 will give you 10 million credits. I only did 1 millions credits.

    5. REHASH

    Way 2- More steps but more consistent and don't necessarily need to search for the credits

    Programs Needed:
    Hex Editor(any should do)
    Base Converter(ability to convert to Floating hex)
    Xbox 360 Container Tool, Modio or Le Fluffies for STFS

    1. Ensure that you obtain your Contentdata.bin and put it on your desktop or in a special place so you don't lose it. (make sure you make a backup).

    2. Open your Contentdata.bin in Xbox 360 Container Tool, Modio or Le Fluffie and remove 00000000.sav and save it to where you have your main save.

    3. Open 00000000.sav with your favorite hex editor. Now search for your credits in Raw Hex(Motorola works to), Floating(32) in Base Converter. I do believe that program is on this site. My credits were 19811 so I search for 469AC600(without the spaces of course). I also noticed that 8000 normally follows your credits as well so this can help if you somehow have more than 1 value.(NOTE: This step probably isn't required but I put it here just incase. If you find no value Way 1 will have to be used but so far all the times I have seen this way be consistent 100% of the time)

    4. Your location SHOULD BE 0xD112.

    5. Change it to 49742400 so you get 1 million credits or if you want 4B189680 will give you 10 million credits. I only did 1 millions credits personally.

    6. Reinsert 00000000.sav into your Contentdata.bin

    7. REHASH

    If anyone else wants to help feel free since I am kinda lost at this point. I do decompressing it comes up with 6 files of which 4 of them are in the actual save itself and not the container. Now why there are 4 of them yet the credits are simple to hack and at the beginning of the save I have no idea. I am trying to break it down but it's been a while. Also if anyone wants to know this game is really fun so they should really give it a try. I am hoping to at least hack some of the stats for achievements like survive 500 waves fo survival since that will take a long time to do.

    Also some of the stats might be connected to the profile so I will also test that out with my save file and load it on an offline profile and see if that will do anything.

    I am also going to keep working on this so check back regularly or keep this posted bumped since I will not be happy till I have everything that can be hacked figured out. If someone wants they can make an editor for this game.
    Last edited by MountaindewM; 07-08-2011 at 09:46 PM.

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    Re: Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    Another great tut by the mights Mountain :) Good work, and glad to see you still lurk these shadows :)

  4. #3

    Re: Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    Yeah I read alot about what is going on. Just I don't post since I don't have much to add since I can't make programs. I would learn but have hardly enough time to game anymore :-(. Do like how this site has really kicked it off. I am gonna try and post more it's just like I said I prefer to add to the topic and not just spam. Also if anyone wants to co-op on this game just let me know. It's fun as hell I think.

  5. #4
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    Re: Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    Sadly, i'm not having any luck with this method. I tried converting my values and everything, but i can't find those actual values anywhere in my save file.

    Not sure if i'm converting it right. But my current credits are 5015 and it would convert to 459CB800 right?

    Nothing shows up even close to it in the save, or the container extracted save. And those actual hex locations don't match up with anything that looks to be possible either.
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  6. #5

    Re: Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    Yeah I just tried to re-hack my save again since I ran out of money and nothing now. I am completely stumped now. I will keep trying real fast and see what I can come up with.

    If someone else got this to work please post since I hope it wasn't a fluke that I was temporarily able to hack it since I have never heard of that. Except in Fallout New Vegas but not sure how that works.

    I still for the life of me can't figure out why it isn't working. I have the game beat on Hard now and only got 1 level beat on Inferno and am a Rank 7 on my Trooper while the rest of my 3 guys are Rank 2. Not sure really what else to do. Looking into this still.

    EDIT: I notice in the file the header for the save is also located at 0x0 and 0x30000. Also a few text works in the save are Xbox 360 Dashboard and Xbox 360 Improvement Program Data(spaces between each letter) Those are located at 0x 31690 and 0x30400 respectively.

    At around 0x12000 there is 2 spanish sayings.
    "El Bardo Trill aprobaría de esta gorra tejida estilosa" which means "Trill The Bard would approve of this stylish knit cap"
    "Trill le Barde aurait approuvé ce chapeau élégant" which means "Trill the Bard would have approved this stylish hat"

    Anyone else see that as well? I mean that is a bit strange.
    Last edited by MountaindewM; 07-08-2011 at 10:06 PM.

  7. #6

    Re: Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    Thx dud!! It's working perfectly~ ;)

  8. #7
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    Re: Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    cant get it to work either.... no value nothing
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  9. #8
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    Jappi88 is offline
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    Re: Earth Defence Force Insect Armageddon - Credits(working on more)

    i tried to make editor for this game, but it wont be easy... the structure is weard and need to be figured out.


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