Offzip & Packzip by Luigi Auriemma
Don't ask why I made it.. it makes my life easier and it might make it easier on yours.
Couple things I should mention, the paths can't contain any spaces, ( )'s, { }'s or -'s and probably some more symbols. The offset can be used as hex like 0xEEFF or a normal digit.
Games known to have Zlib'd data:
If you know a game that uses Zlib, post it and maybe the rest of us can discover something :)Code:Batman: Arkham Asylum Bioshock Darksiders Fable 2 Far Cry 2 Fear 2 Halo Wars Mercenaries 2 Red Faction: Guerrilla Sacred 2 Splinter Cell Double Agent Overlord Two Worlds Fable 3