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Nintendo President says Wii U is 3D capable
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    Nintendo President says Wii U is 3D capable

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    Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has told the Mercury News that it is possible for the Wii U to output 3D provided you have a 3D TV. He also stated that it’s not something Nintendo are really focusing on due primarily to the slow uptake of 3D TV sets. But if you’re fortunate enough to have a 3D TV then inevitably some of the games on Wii U will take advantage of this.

    “If you are going to connect Wii U with a home TV capable of displaying 3D images, technologically, yes, it is going to be possible, but that’s not the area we are focusing on.”

    “… When it comes to the home console, it depends upon the availability of 3D TV sets at home, which, unfortunately, is not expanding enough. And rather than pouring a lot of energy into that kind of area, with the Wii U we’d like to focus more on each Wii U owner being able to have an equal opportunity to enjoy it.”

  2. #2

    Re: Nintendo President says Wii U is 3D capable

    The arguement for HD that Nintendo made was ridiculous, however I do happen to agree with them on the 3D issue; Even though I have a 3D capable TV.
    Even odder, I read an article about Microsoft's stance on 3D and it was literally the exact same arguement Nintendo made against HD. Seriously if you find it and read it, replace 3D with HD and it's the exact same thing Nintendo said. Granted at the time of both arguments HD was definitely a mainstay in homes. It just seems that Nintendo will only do something if it's cheap enough. With the prices of the current gen's technology being so low, it's obvious that it was cost efficient for Nintendo to upgrade the hardware. With the details they have given about WiiU, it sounds like they just gutted a Wii and put a new processor in.



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