- Edit orb count
- Fix/validate Enslaved checksum
- Proper dynamic orb offset calculation ;)
- Direct STFS editing
- Proper STFS handling
- Rehash/Resign
I don't think I need to explain how to use but I will anyway..
How to edit orbs
So yeh, super easy to use. Report bugs & enjoyCode:1) Extract SAVEDATA from your storage device (\Content\ProfileID\4E4D07F1\00000001\) 2) Open the tool, drag & drop (DO NOT EXTRACT) SAVEDATA or type the path manually and press enter 3) Select 1 when it prompts you for a choice 4) Enter the amount of orbs you want and press enter (it will save the new value, fix the checksum and rehash/resign automatically) 5) Close the tool and inject SAVEDATA back into its content folder on your device (YOU DO NOT NEED TO REHASH OR RESIGN, IT DOES THIS AUTOMATICALLY AND PROPERLY!!!)
*May not work with Windows Vista/7 x64 (64 bit)
*.Net Framework 2.0 req.
*I know I spelled amount wrong.. idc
Enslaved Orb Editor.rar