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Bayonetta Save Editor or Save Game
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  1. #1

    Faint Bayonetta Save Editor or Save Game

    hey everyone,

    could someone plz help me with either a way to get the save editor of Bayonetta to work, caus everytime i resign the data00 file and inject it back it still gives me a corrupt save, so a tutorial on how to do it would be great.
    Or can someone send me a modded save with super many Halo's at the start of the game lowest difficulity.

    all help appreciated thx in advance

  2. #2
    Renegade is offline
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    Re: Bayonetta Save Editor or Save Game

    In future....use the search bar....

  3. #3

    Re: Bayonetta Save Editor or Save Game

    @Renegade for u in the future read my question better dude, i already know that thread but the resigner wont work, i need help with it.

  4. #4
    Renegade is offline
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    Re: Bayonetta Save Editor or Save Game

    Quote Originally Posted by gdragon View Post
    @Renegade for u in the future read my question better dude, i already know that thread but the resigner wont work, i need help with it.
    For your information, I deal with many threads like this a day, So I go with what the title says and hardly read the OP, It's called quick reply, However, I just tried it, and it worked...So you have most likely corrupted the save yourself, Don't worry it's a common mistake.

    Extract the file 'data00' from the 'ContinueData' Save
    Open the file with the editor, and modify it to whatever you want.
    Save the changes obviously..
    Now open the Bayonetta Resigner, click open and save, select Data00
    Now inject it back in to the container with another program if you are using modio, It sucks...end of and has issues with STFS, Try Horizon, once you inject it, Rehash the package, Done.

  5. #5

    Re: Bayonetta Save Editor or Save Game

    @Renegade, sry for my outburst m8, but i tried all of that, i used a clean save at the start of chapter one, extracted te data00 using 360revolution ( i never use modio unless i want a modded save XD ) i load the data00 into the program set all to 99999999, save it, then i open the resigner and when i press resign it gives me a blank little screen with only the ok button ( so presume it is ok ), then i inject it back into the save also using 360revolution, put it back onto my memcard, and when i load it onto bayonetta, BLAM corrupt, so at what part did i go wrong ( oow ye forgot to mention i also rehash/resign the save via 360revolution )

  6. #6

    Re: Bayonetta Save Editor or Save Game

    If you edit the stats, dont use more the 999 (money doesnt matter). But for the lollipops just use 999 and the file will not be broken aufter you copy it back to your hdd. ;)



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