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Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.
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  1. #1
    Gfx Artist

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    Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    I noticed the only 'mod' available is the simple user.cfg edit, where you can get God Mode and Infinite Ammo, but it doesn't actually give you 999 Golden Bullets or something like that. Not to mention that it resets every time you exit the game (turn off your console, or play another game), and then go back to Metro 2033.

    What I'd like to see is a Mod that allows you to edit the amount of bullets you have, and Gas Mask Filters as well.
    Does anyone know if this is possible to do?

    I'd post a Save, but it's pretty useless for this game, because you get a new Save at every start of the level.

  2. #2
    Haven Donator

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    Re: Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryudo View Post
    I'd post a Save, but it's pretty useless for this game, because you get a new Save at every start of the level.
    bad quote then they would say no point in doing because make up random idea here-( )

  3. #3
    Gfx Artist

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    Re: Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    Maybe there is no point in attempting to mod it, I don't know.

    All I know is that when you beat the game, and let's say you try to load a previous level for achievements you might have missed for example, it'll load that level with it's own separate save file.

    If anything, I might be able to upload ALL the level's saves. Maybe they all have to be modded individually. (Or maybe a mod can be made where you can just load those levels and -then- adjust it).

  4. #4

    Re: Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    I think with the options file being hacked no attempt was ever made to hack gold bullets or ammo since you can just enable infinite ammo and bam you essentially have tons of bullets. You can even use the gold bullets as ammo and it won't go down but if you purchase something it will go down.

    Now there is the problem of if it has a checksum, encryption and what not but I still have it so I'll see what I can do with it. I have hopes but doubt I'll find anything since I would of thought it would of been hacked already...than again that is what I thought about Far Cry 2 as well and I figured the diamonds out in that.

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    Original Boss is offline
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    Re: Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    This game is extremely easy to edit all you do is drag your .CFG file into notepad and set whatever you want to 1 which means ON and if i remember there was never any mod to let you have so much gold bullets

  6. #6

    Re: Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    That is what he/she wants is to be able to edit the ammo and gold bullets in the game. I mean sure you can give yourself infinite but that won't make you go from 10 gold bullets to 65,000.

  7. #7
    Buddah is offline
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    Re: Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    post a save with some values

  8. #8
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    Re: Metro 2033 Modding Tool for Golden Bullets / Regular Bullets + Gas Mask Filters.

    I've played the game didn't like it one bit. Just like he said kind of sucks that you have to remod it every time.
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