Hello I have the SC4CC Editor and the license but whenever I try to run it on Windows 7, It stops running and encounters a problem and when I try a compatibility check on it and says it's incompatible application, how do I make it compatible for Windows 7? Also the guy sent me these instructions plus I have net framework 4 installed but cant get net framework 3.5 to run when I click on it , I need some help..And how do I activate the license..and where do I register at? I cant even get the program to run. Please help.
here the your only license file,
please license register within 72hour and v1.00
and Please check this,
1:please do register after deleting SC4CCedit.vaildation when you newly do register.
2:install done is .NET framework3.5(sp1)or 4 the your PC?
3:PC time setting is correct?
4:downloaded SC4CCedit v1.00 the from My site?