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Over a year ago, Nintendo revealed that Ubisoft was developing Assassin's Creed for the Nintendo 3DS. Operating with the subtitle "Lost Legacy," we heard very little about the game as other installments like Brotherhood and Revelations were announced and/or released for next-gen platforms. But what of this portable version? It turns out that the core concept behind that game was pulled into the plot for Revelations.

While discussing Assassin's Creed: Revelations with Joystiq, lead writer Darby McDevitt explained that the plot for Lost Legacy "morphed" into Revelatons. "The story that was announced about Lost Legacy was that Ezio goes to Masyaf and investigates the holy land," McDevitt said. That concept has already been revealed as a significant element in the final chapter of the current, console-based Assassin's Creed trilogy.

Don't be too hasty in declaring Assassin's Creed for the 3DS dead. No one at Ubisoft is announcing anything to that effect. Still, the notion that the key story element for the portable game made its way to a home console version instead isn't exactly reassuring.

Ubisoft are yet to comment on the matter.