Hello guys, I've been researching in after launching the save editor for Crysis 3, it
was only possible to change the profile status, then launched the ISO modified god mode and stuff.

My question.
Opening the Data0019 file folder game
90B21969D343AF449F598BB1CE69894C45.data (Crysis 3)
you will be able to view the System.cfg file and its content.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	k1ao0k.jpg 
Views:	211 
Size:	107.3 KB 
ID:	16477

Important detail, not to copy and paste is not the file will be larger than
the original, simply type the lines in NULL spaces.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	data02.jpg 
Views:	212 
Size:	110.0 KB 
ID:	16478

By passing the file back to the video game, it presents no problem (crash) as shown in the pictures.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-09-19-04-04-55.jpg 
Views:	216 
Size:	51.1 KB 
ID:	16479

My problem now is, when I open the game to test it starts but crashes the video game.
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-09-19-04-06-18.jpg 
Views:	215 
Size:	42.9 KB 
ID:	16480 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-09-19-04-08-24.jpg 
Views:	204 
Size:	4.3 KB 
ID:	16481

Now for the call programmers, you are possible to make changes in Dataxxxx files without compromising the structure of GoD?
It will be possible to create a tool that extracts the entire contents of GoD and insert back?

If this is possible taria ara create MODS caught in these games consoles (original)...