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HDD problem after using Xplorer360
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  1. #1
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    longy999 is offline
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    Cry HDD problem after using Xplorer360

    I NXE installed 14 full games and transferred 10gb worth of arcade games to my mates new Jtag using Xplorer360, all went well until I clicked on Partition 3 and his crummy laptop decided to drag the partition onto itself which prompted it to start to copy partition 3 into partition 3. I quickly cancelled this and everything seemed fine.

    When we looked in the game library however 8 of the full games and all of the arcade games were now missing but the 50+gb of space they were taking was still been used.

    I've looked at his drive through NXE memory tab, xexmenu, xplorer, xport and party buffalo but none of them can see where the missing files have gone to.

    Anyone have any idea's how to either get them back or simply wipe them out without having to format his drive? Had just dumped 16gb of Guitar Hero dlc on there and really dont wanna have to do it all again and my mate obviously wants the other half of his HDD back.

  2. #2

    Re: HDD problem after using Xplorer360

    Quote Originally Posted by longy999 View Post
    I NXE installed 14 full games and transferred 10gb worth of arcade games to my mates new Jtag using Xplorer360, all went well until I clicked on Partition 3 and his crummy laptop decided to drag the partition onto itself which prompted it to start to copy partition 3 into partition 3. I quickly cancelled this and everything seemed fine.

    When we looked in the game library however 8 of the full games and all of the arcade games were now missing but the 50+gb of space they were taking was still been used.

    I've looked at his drive through NXE memory tab, xexmenu, xplorer, xport and party buffalo but none of them can see where the missing files have gone to.

    Anyone have any idea's how to either get them back or simply wipe them out without having to format his drive? Had just dumped 16gb of Guitar Hero dlc on there and really dont wanna have to do it all again and my mate obviously wants the other half of his HDD back.
    Have you tried undelete-mode ?

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  4. #3
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    longy999 is offline
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    Re: HDD problem after using Xplorer360

    Wasn't even aware that Xplorer has an undelete mode on it. Will give it a look and see if that will work.

    Thanks for the reply dude.



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