Establish your own guild hall and then set out to destroy your enemy's.
Strongholds is the game's seventh expansion, and was first released on PC back in August. When it arrives on November 3 for Xbox One, it'll do away with the waiting that PC players had to do; all of its features will immediately be available.
Strongholds adds the game's "largest in-game map" to date, which is home to a new competitive multiplayer mode called Stronghold Siege. It's essentially a large-scale MOBA--two teams of 20 fight across three lanes as they attempt to reach and destroy the enemy's guild hall. You can get a feel for this in the video above.
Before taking part in this, guilds will establish their own strongholds, erecting buildings that will provide assistance in Siege, help gather resources, or serve other purposes. These can be built up over time, and can enhance both individual characters and the guild as a whole.
Neverwinter originally launched on PC back in 2013 and was followed by the Xbox One version in March 2015. Since then, it's been catching up with updates, though the console versions of new updates tend to lag behind their PC counterparts.