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Trying to mod a The Godfather 1 save with horizon
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  1. #1
    One Hit Wonder
    cquassa is offline
    Join Date : Jul 2014
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    Posts : 1
    I have taken the save and the profile it belongs to and moved both via usb from my xbox to my pc. Once I lauch horizon and check the device explorer for the safe I get those symbols and if i try and drag and drop the file from the usb itself I get the other error message shown in the picture. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
    Cant figure out how to add the picture so I will just type out the errors

    The first error I refer to is the symbols that appear to represent the game save they appear to either be Chinese or Japanese symbols
    The second error I refer to is when I try to drag and drop the save file manually and it reads " Could not find file G:\Content\E00042552044EDE\4541079\00000001\The Godfather. This is obviously the file path, but I dont know why it cant find it when it is there

    EDIT 1: Ill also add that I tried downloading a pre modded save and tried to inject it into my save but was given the error " Invalid STFS Package "

    EDIT 2: Here is aforementioned picture
    Name:  E1.jpg
Views: 91
Size:  34.1 KB
    Last edited by Idlehands88; 10-29-2015 at 12:17 PM.



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