Hi-Rez Studios recently announced it would renew support for its free-to-play shooter, Tribes: Ascend. In perhaps even better news, it's now giving away each and every game in the series for free.
This offer covers not just the games that carry the Tribes name, but a portion of the series that preceded it, Earthsiege. The first official Tribes game didn't come until 1998's Starsiege: Tribes, which equipped players with jetpacks and allowed players to rapidly "ski" across levels, a mechanic that would become a centerpiece of the series. You can watch some skiing in Ascend in the video above.

The full list of games featured in the Tribes giveaway is listed below.

Earthsiege 2
Starsiege: Tribes
Tribes 2
Tribes: Aerial Assault
Tribes: Vengeance
Tribes: Ascend

Each of these games can be downloaded and played for free on PC, though Ascend was already a free-to-play game. The exception to this is Aerial Assault, which was PS2-only, though you can can download this the same as the other games provided you have a way to play the ISO file.

You can grab all of the games at the Tribes Universe website.